DF: Tape on sticks?

Clark Kent

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Tape on sticks?
By Darthmaul - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 03:20:55 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


I am new to FMA's. I been noticing in class that some people put tape on their sticks. Some on the grip, some on the part of the stick that you hit with. What is that all about?

Also, now if your using the tape for grips, what type of tape should you use? Is electical tape good? or maybe something like the tape you use on a baseball bat (it has a cloth like feel to it).



Defend.net Post Bot - FMA Feed
I use tape to stop my sticks from fraying not for grip. I also make some of my sticks where the hand should be and what area is used for striking, the newer students use it as refrence
I've been using hockey pad tape on my sticks for a couple of years to stop the fraying and like it alot.
It doesn't get all gooey like electric tape or duct tape. It also is clear so the sticks still look like rattan after being taped.
Hockey Pad tape? Hmmm that is interesting. Ill have to check that out.

What have others tried for using as a grip?? One person at the Dog Brothers forum mentioned trying Surf Wax, I have yet to try it because I keep on forgetting about and dont remember until I am swinging the sticks. Im really curious about testing it out..