DF: Shaolin Monks and students

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
Sep 11, 2006
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Shaolin Monks and students
By Phearx - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 00:13:46 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Okay well this is my first post on the forums and just wanted to share some of the performances my school has been doing. We've recently performed at the half time show at Shea Stadium and a festival at a park.

This is a vid of my shifu doing drunken sword at the dragonboat festival

this is a vid of one of the higher level students doing drunken fist at the same festival

and this is 3 animal forms from three mid level students at the same festival

My school currently teaches all along the New York City area and if anyone is intrested in joining
The school is run by the venerable shi guolin and other monks

If you'd like more vids of some other performances please comment saying you'd like more and I hope you all enjoy.


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I liked the animal form clip. The drunken style clips, while interesting to watch, appear too "choreographed", not natural enough IMO. (Though who am I to talk...I can't do it)...lol.