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Relationship of Cepa-Cepa and Kali Silat
By MasterKaliSilat - Tue, 29 May 2007 13:10:49 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums
There's a distinct relationship between what is hidden in the dances and games of children and women that highly parallel the Philippine's Art and Science passed down from father to son. Take a look at Cepa-Cepa YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down. on you tube or this file on Sinawali that we filmed in Sydney, Australia and compare it to the dances originated out of Tinakling, and soon we'll have some contact sparing techniques there too. Spar with someone that knows and see the difference, coming up soon. Be sure to visit us in Las Vagas NV June 6 to June 12th, 2007 contact for more information. We'll be visiting with Great Grand Master Largusa's son, Master Lindsey Largusa June 8th, 9th, 10th, 2007 YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down.
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By MasterKaliSilat - Tue, 29 May 2007 13:10:49 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums
There's a distinct relationship between what is hidden in the dances and games of children and women that highly parallel the Philippine's Art and Science passed down from father to son. Take a look at Cepa-Cepa YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down. on you tube or this file on Sinawali that we filmed in Sydney, Australia and compare it to the dances originated out of Tinakling, and soon we'll have some contact sparing techniques there too. Spar with someone that knows and see the difference, coming up soon. Be sure to visit us in Las Vagas NV June 6 to June 12th, 2007 contact for more information. We'll be visiting with Great Grand Master Largusa's son, Master Lindsey Largusa June 8th, 9th, 10th, 2007 YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down.
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