DF: Martial Arts scene in Calgary

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Martial Arts scene in Calgary
By Survivalist1981 - Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:45:16 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


I am currently looking around Calgary AB, researching to find the right martial art for me to train in. I have some experience in Plumflower Preying Mantis, but there doesn't seem to be the option to continue that here. I'm looking for a practical combat focus, lots of sparring in addition to the usual forms and drills. I'm more interested in striker arts right now, I plan to possibly cross-train with some grappling arts later on.

I've been considering
FMA from here: http://www.rutanoestokada.com/federation.htm
-I like the blade fighting, and FMAs also seem to be well rounded with striking and grappling.

Wing Chun from one of these 2 clubs:
-I'm still looking into it, but their website says they have a "fight club" session, which sounds like some fun sparring.
-Great website, 1 month free trial, although I get the impression they may not be so big on sparring. (from reading the FAQ)

There is also a place that teaches Bak Mei (White Eyebrow) which I don't have a link for. I've heard good things about this style, although I do not yet know a lot about the school.

For all those in Calgary practicing martial arts, I'm interested in hearing about where you like to train and why.


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