DF: "Can You Do It?", Questions by Suryadi Jafri

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"Can You Do It?", Questions by Suryadi Jafri
By MasterKaliSilat - Tue, 08 May 2007 10:08:29 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Many questions were presented to us by this late young master, Suryadi Jafri. His prowess was the study of them all, and the practices of the few.

He would ask? "How could you study them all? Impossible, ok try any way study them all try. Now, what can you do? Kick the high kick is nothing, everyone can do it. What can you do that's different?" He would ask, then say.... "What you practice? What you get? But meaning all is the same, "Survive everything!", meaning when you practice you get it, it's why you here."

It was not confusing if you looked at the simplicity of his, "The making you, that one, what you make? What you want? Always come back to choice." He always came back to CHOICE. "It, same as by every great philosopher, from history, and continues with, "We can see the truth, they all have. So what you have?" and laugh, "What you practice?" "What you belief", he would finish.

"Philosophy is that which we begin to understand why we practice, and the meaning of making one. He continues, "Making your self, what you practice what you get?", again he would emphases, most every answer lead to one conclusion, "Can you do it?" End of Part One, by Suryadi Jafri - circa 1977 - 1983 RIP 1998


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