Dennis Conatser Seminar

some seminar pics


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Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I'd like to thank your for absolutely wonderful comentaries on your seminar. Many people (especially guys) just stay. "It Was Great" but never give the slightest clue as too what actually happened.

Not nearly as good as being there but it helps. I have seen Mr. Conatser in action, so I have a pretty good idea about what and how he taught. I can sympathize about the brain overload. Mr. Conatser knows his stuff, take advantage of him as much as possilbe. ;)


Dot.. you're very welcome.. *S* we enjoyed our weekend to the utmost and now in the midst of processing all the information ingested ~! man there was alot~! *G* Mr C is a plethora of knowledge for sure~!!!

We're already planning on the next seminar in March ~!

Looks like you had a nice size group, good for you.

If you post anymore pictures on your website let us know so we can see you guys in action.

I think this is the one my back went out on.. *oopsie*
I knew it was too early in the day for this ole lady to be stretching~!


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Took a few minutes to line these martial arts kids up..*chuckles*


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Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Looks like you had a nice size group, good for you.

If you post anymore pictures on your website let us know so we can see you guys in action.


Will do Dot :) There's a bunch of other's that took pics and when I get them will post :)
Did y'all rent out a gymnasium or something? That's too cool!
Didn't have to worry about over crowding or anything!

--- Mr C looks like he could whup some serious ***, doesn't he?
I mean knowledge aside, I wouldn't wanna cross this guy! :D
Originally posted by Kirk

Did y'all rent out a gymnasium or something? That's too cool!
Didn't have to worry about over crowding or anything!

one of the benefits of being the College Karate Instructors :)
it was way cool indeed.. The Dept Head ran a concession stand for us too ~!
On having a fantastic turnout! The pics were great, and DC was finally put to work!

I'm sorry I missed it.:wah:
Sounds like everyone had a great time. In about 2 weeks some of the people in attendance at the seminar will be doing something, then get a glazed look on their face, a second later a big smile will appear. It is then that some more of the knowldege fromthe semiar will set in. It will keep happening for a long time after that.

I was lucky enough to attend a seminar with Mr. C. in Dec 2000 and things are still clueing in from that afternoon.
Originally posted by RCastillo

On having a fantastic turnout! The pics were great, and DC was finally put to work!

I'm sorry I missed it.:wah:
awwww sorry you missed it too Ricardo.. now start saving your pennies for March.. tay.. then you can come and play with the rest of us :)

It was a good time ~!

Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Sounds like everyone had a great time. In about 2 weeks some of the people in attendance at the seminar will be doing something, then get a glazed look on their face, a second later a big smile will appear. It is then that some more of the knowldege fromthe semiar will set in. It will keep happening for a long time after that.

I was lucky enough to attend a seminar with Mr. C. in Dec 2000 and things are still clueing in from that afternoon.

Ohhh... Thanks for the Heads up Rob..*G* I'm sure I'll be seeing many of that expression on faces~! Including my own hehee.. it really was a phenomenal opportunity for us ~!!

Gee the camera couldn't pick up Mr. C's hand moving ~! Talk about Fast!


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Wouldn't wanna have Mr. C. Hit me full force with those arms~
Thanks Kile for the shots ~!


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Isn't that AFTER Mr C. finished Chronuss with about 8 strikes in 2 seconds??

Love that new Avatar:D
Originally posted by Stick Dummy


Isn't that AFTER Mr C. finished Chronuss with about 8 strikes in 2 seconds??

Love that new Avatar:D

Pete.. oh yeah.. it was the after shot. *chuckles.. ~!
Thanks bout the avatar..*G*
See you tonight~