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Originally posted by Lance
well I am looking for a kenpo school in my area, or some kind of filipino stick fighting. the closest kenpo school is a little over an hour away, and I am trying to find something that I can learn that is pretty close to Kenpo or the sticks.


For good instruction, an hour is not that far to go.

Check Chad out and the others and see which ones you like and then choose.
Originally posted by

I'm in Middletown, but I teach in Wilmington right now. I realize that is a bit out of your way, but I am trying to cut back on teaching rather than add locations. I had some feelers out about starting an arnis program in Camden, but that never came to pass.
Just curious, who teaches Silat in Dover, what style and under whom?

well now I can't find it anywhere. I think it might have been a different style and I was just up way too late and got confused.
Lance, Not sure how far you are to Newark, but there is a Kenpo School there. It's run by Ms. Kathy Owen and Ms. Marlene Shear.
Very good instructors, they are with the AKKI. Some of the requirements are the knowledge and use of the clubs (sticks) and knife.

Good look in your journey,
Bill Smith

Oh, the name of the school is Newark Kenpo Karate.