Defining Friendship/Love


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
On a different discussion board there was talk relating to the concept of Love between two persons on the friendship level. In one reply (below) I thought was pretty good and thought I'd share it here and see if it can spur other thoughts relating to it.

"Friendship" is a far more dilute word and concept in English than its nearest equivalents in some other times and cultures. The best example I can think of is another mythical one.

If anyone here has read Austin Tappan Wright's Islandia, there is no one word with all the meanings of "love" in English. There are four different ones. Amia is garden-variety friendship or liking; alia is love of place, family, and country; ania is love for a spouse; apia is sexual or romantic love short of generative permanent commitment.

When lin, "strong", is prefixed to amia, friendship, the result is more than the sum of its parts. A character defines it as "those strong friendships that are limited to two or three in a man's life."

I don't know how the differences between men and women play out in this area, but I do know by experience that linamia is to what we usually think of as friendship approximately as the strong nuclear force is to gravity.

With that thought, I've gone through my 42 years on this planet with a number of acquaintances, friends, close friends, and those whom I call brothers/sisters. How one achieves those individual monikers depends largely upon my own personal feelings towards them based on the relationship I have with each.

i.e. guys that I work with are just "acquaintances" because that's the only time we see each other is at work. And we just BS to pass the time and to create a better work environment. Same goes for other (similar) circumstances. Of these (for me) there are thousands that I have known.
"Friends" are those whom I meet socially but share no deep thoughts/feelings but have a like-ness to them that I enjoy their company (and vice-versa). Of these there are a great many. For that I am truly blessed and consider myself wealthy in the idea of being wealthy.
"Close friends" are those whom I have shared several meaningful experiences with and those whom I would share my thoughts and feelings thus revealing the person within me to a certian point. Of these there are dozens.
"Brothers/Sisters" are those whom (non-related) nothing is hidden if they should ask upon it (whatever!). My time and resources are theirs should they be required and can be spared (hey I DO have a life don't I?). These are whom I would willingly lay down my life for...because I know they would do the same for me. These "I love" because there's no other way to describe the depth. Of these there are few. As Jesus said: "No greater love hath any than he who would lay down their life for a friend." {paraphrased}

When I tell a man (or woman) friend that "I love you." It doesn't mean I want to wake up the next morning with them in the same bed. Sometimes that phrase can be misunderstood and confused with intent. Understanding is the key I think when one says that to another. And it's only important (IMO) that the two are the ones that truly understand the meaning when it's said.

Everyone has a definite description to each level of friendship. Am curious to know the various differences out there. Perhaps I may gain insight.
Friendship and the levels there of

I have the following levels of recognition.

Acquaintences: People I know and can work with or get along with if the nedd requires it.

Friends: People I can go out and enjoy a good time with. (* I have interenet friends as well enenthough I may not meet them. *)

Brother/Sister: These are the people I can open up too and depend upon. (* Short of giving their life or spilling blood *)These are the people that can call me up after moving out of town and it is like they never left. We have talked on the phone and all, only now they are in town, and you pick up where you left off. (* I also have internet Brothers and Sisters *)

Blood Brothers(Sisters): Those I know can or those that have already spilt blood with me for me, or I for them. See also Brother/Sister.

Now let me add in a few things about Love.

I love me Dad and my step mom. (* Mom is Dead :( *) My Step mom came into my life a while ago and she takes good care of my Dad.

I love my Birth Brother, even though I cannot get along with him for more than a couple of hours.

My Nieces and Nephews, by Blood and by Step relations also share in my love for them and wishing them wellness and happiness.

My Other Neices and Nephews from my (Blood) Brothers/Sisters who call me uncle, also recieve my love for their well being and growth. I buy them presents and attend B-Day Parties. The whole nine Yards.

I also love a couple of ex-girlfriends, that are still friends of mine. I would help them out at any time. Yet, they have moved and so have I. We can still talk, I can go there house with their significant other, and all is well.

Then there is love for you friends, that are in your life every day.

Finally the love for your life mate. (* Currently Open ;) and still looking *)

I hope this makes some sense.

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