Defendu, Defendo, and Combato

Are you a Defendo/Defendu/Combato practitioner?

Peace favor your sword,

Yepp, Defendo (not Underwoods) since 2007. Been training with most of the big names.

Started my martial arts training back in 1974 with Karate. Trained Tai Chi Chuan and Kickboxing also. But I think Defendotraining covers very much of what I want and it fits me like a glove!:s546:
Apparently no one did know..... My guess is that Bill Wolfe had something to do with it......but that is only a guess
This is what my research came up to:

The original Defendo triangle logo was created by Bill Wolfe in 1985 to represent a police course that he taught at that time. It started as training pyramid concept showing the key elements of a 3 sided equitable trying system;
physical training, mental training and tactical training and the center element representing the importance of the mind/body connection in training. This overhead was used in lectures and became the logo using the two colours black and red in it. Wolfe used this logo alone up till about
1998 when he formed the International Defendo Federation.
The other triangle logos being used by the Defendo Alliance are a modified old logotype. Defendo Alliance was given permission to use the old
Defendo triangle logo in 2005 and did the modifications to it so it looks like it does today.
Interesting. I looked at the wiki page on this. I imagine though that in the modern day world, perhaps further techniques may have been incorporated, or at least perhaps refinement. Or would be the case that simple is best. IE, not bereft of skill, just this stuff still works?
There are continuous refinements all the time. Maybe some new techniques..The essense of the system is to keep it simple, yet effective. Stuff that works. Feedback from practitioners and proffessionals, police, security etc are used to update, change and maybe remove techniques in order to develope the system.
My training is in Jujutsu with some FMA, I find the old films to be rather stiff and one sided, modern Jujutsu is more dynamic with more of a focus on defending active attacks rather than just grabs and such.
I think modern arts are more refined, even those that use simple techniques.

Did those old WWII skills work? Most certainly, did they look like they did in those films? I doubt it, combat is just too dynamic.
My training is in Jujutsu with some FMA, I find the old films to be rather stiff and one sided, modern Jujutsu is more dynamic with more of a focus on defending active attacks rather than just grabs and such.
I think modern arts are more refined, even those that use simple techniques.
I doubt it. More likely, those old films are just simplified versions, "demos" essentially, of a small portion of the art being represented.

Peace favor your sword,
All the modern guys added stuff. It is hard not to. Bill Wolff it seems just used a similar name. His system is nothing like WW2 methods.
Dave Walmsley in Canada teaches methods very close to the original. Carl has been dead for many years. A couple of his guys still teach it. Some have moved on to other teachers doing similar stuff.

Fairbairn stripped his Shanghai Police methods to stuff he believed would stop and possibly kill a enemy ideally with one shot but that does not mean you stop there. That said, he would have been the first to tell you are a dead man if you ever have to use any of this stuff. Your enemy will be armed and kill you. Then again, the guys learning this stuff were very serious individuals who stood a far greater chance of making it work than us mere mortals.
Correction. Dave Walmsley does not teach per say any longer I believe but he does teach via video through his website. Canadiancombato.
Defendo and Combato are the same thing unless you mean modern Defendo ala Bill Wolfe.

Defendu (Gutterfighting) is Fairbairn's system and one of the best Combat systems ever. The real expert on this is Carl Cestari. A google search will turn up alot of good material from him.

Defendo/Combato was designed by Bill Underwood around the same time Fairbairn was forumlating defendu. Underwood was a canadian and quite possible taught at Camp X around the same time as fairbairn. Their systems were designed independantly, however. My take on Defendo is that Bill Underwood was amazing but that stuff is a little hard for us normal folk to pull of.

Modern defendo is also a good system but is totally seperate from the other two. I have a theory that Wolfe was exposed to Defendo through the Canadian Army but I have no proof on that one. Wolfe's system is a mix of hapkido, boxing, greco roman wrestling and a few other things.

I would rate them Defendu 1st, Modern Defendo 2nd and Defendo/combato 3rd.

Fascinating discussion and you a very knowledgable about these systems. How do you think that Marine Corp L.I.N.E. or MCMAP hold up here? Are there any good video sources to any of these systems?
Codified fighting systems - just adaptations to suit the times. What are your objectives? Are you in the military? These systems contain various tools and techniques to stick in your personal toolbox :D