

Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
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Anyone here study this?
Anyone here certified in it?
Familiar with it?
Know anyone who studies it?
Know an instructor?

I see their ad all the time and it sounds good but to hear is to doubt. I'm just curious on who has some type of direct experience with it or a practicioner of it.
I purchased the Defendo tapes a few years ago. The system is basically a combination of Thai Boxing, BJJ and Hapkido. All in all it's a decent system and the instructor Bill Wolfe is a skilled practioner. The system is based heavily on clinching the attacker and fighting from that position.

The BIG problem with their whole set up however is their claim of lineage to Fairbairn/Applegate. None of what Wolfe teaches was taught or advocated by F/A; i.e. clinching your opponant; using joint locks as a main weapon and using closed hand strikes.

It's not a bad system, but for the price he asks for the tapes it's not worth it. If your interested in the Fairbairn/Applegate stuff, I would recommend Carl Cestari's tapes at

Hope this helped!
I was in another post at a board where everyone liked these tapes. The only problem is they said that what was taught really needed to be taught in person and hard to get from a tape. If youalready have a background jujitsu or hapkido i would imagine it would be a little easier to pick up. although I have not seen the tapes myself i did see an add where you can now by a tape that just sums it all up.
Mr Att is right on the money.
Check out Cestari's site for some effective WW2 combatives stuff.
Actually Wolfe's Defendo looks like Bill Underwoods Defendo which is distinct from Fairbairn's Defendu. This makes sense to me because Wolfe claimed to learn Defendo while in the Canadian army. Underwood's Defendo was being taught at one time to the Canadian Army and I know of a few others that learned it.

Check out for more on Underwood

You know i can remember when i was younger my grandmom was watching the tonight show carson was still on then,
anyway they had this old man who came on and did something called defendo.
After looking at this guy i can tell you that it's not him,but anyway if it work's;)
Originally posted by lonekimono
You know i can remember when i was younger my grandmom was watching the tonight show carson was still on then,
anyway they had this old man who came on and did something called defendo.
After looking at this guy i can tell you that it's not him,but anyway if it work's;)
Your grandmom and I must've seen the same show. I believe that the man was Bill Underwood, but whoever it was, he did self-defense techniques (one involving the use of a short stick) against Lou Ferrigno.