Defending yourself cold

Weither you stretch hard daily or never at all, in a cold sudden self defense situation, kicks to the head are better done on a downed opponent. Sounds mean, brutal, but in a sudden attack you don't know for sure the attackers intent. Kicking someone while they are down in the heat of being startled to ensure your safety is one thing, kicking the **** out of someone over and over is another. Your attacker may very well have that same fate in mind for you. Seen it, been there , done that. Defending yourself cold is not only an athletic aspect of saving yourself, reacting to the rush, clash, snap of the situation is also a factor. More skillfull & fit warriors have fallen on battlefields unable to stand the suddeness of combat. That can be said for many victims on our streets as well. Skill and fitness are great attributes, but can not solely ensure anyones safety. WHEW! End rant. PEACE
Hello, Most attackers....usually do not warm-up or stretch either? But they are prepare to get into the fight..hurt you..or go for the kill.

When they got you by surprise and things start to get worst...start preparing a plan!

Don't say I don't want to get hurt...wrong thing here...If the person attacks...I am going to fight matter what happens....(using the killer instincts for survival). "Go for broke"...there maybe no tomorrow...Aloha

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