Well, the death panels are moving into the first stage, the press is going to explain why they are needed, and then slowly advocate for them...they will of course be called "rationing," instead of death panels, but they will do the same thing...
But...But...I thought obamacare was going to be free...and you could keep your doctor...and every disease would be cured with magic pixie dust...
"Mr. Smith, please have a seat the Death Panel...er...Doctor will be with you in a moment...to tell you how to end things peacefully..."
"But Nurse, I just have a cold..."
WE need death panels.
Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.
But in the pantheon of toxic issues — the famous “third rails” of American politics — none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.
But...But...I thought obamacare was going to be free...and you could keep your doctor...and every disease would be cured with magic pixie dust...
Medicare reimbursement rates are already well below those of private providers.
Let’s not forget that with the elderly population growing rapidly, even if cost increases for each beneficiary can be contained, Medicare would still claim a rising share of the American economy.
Medicare needs to take a cue from Willie Sutton, who reportedly said he robbed banks because that’s where the money was. The big money in Medicare is not to be found in Mr. Ryan’s competition or Mr. Obama’s innovation, but in reducing the cost of treating people in the last year of life, which consumes more than a quarter of the program’s budget.
"Mr. Smith, please have a seat the Death Panel...er...Doctor will be with you in a moment...to tell you how to end things peacefully..."
"But Nurse, I just have a cold..."