Dear Margo/Dear Doub...


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I read a couple advice columns mostly for the entertainment value, this was one in today's "paper"

Better Luck Next Time, Sonny
DEAR MARGO: I have a problem. I am in high school, and I'm in love with two women. Even worse, they happen to be my girlfriend and her mother. I don't know what to do. I love my girlfriend's fresh, youthful outlook on life, but at the same time, I find her mother's intelligence very stimulating. Also, not to be crude, but the sex with the mother is amazing.
I really cannot choose between the two, and my girlfriend thankfully has no idea that I am intimate with her mother, although the mother is well aware that I am dating her daughter. We live in an affluent community where everybody knows his or her neighbor's business, so I am also constantly afraid that we will soon be exposed.
Lately, it has become obvious to me that I have to end one of the relationships, but I don't know which one! The mother has suggested running away to Mexico with me, but I really want to stay here and finish school. What should I do?

DEAR DOUB: I think you should go back to your homework and leave the bodice-rippers to experienced writers.

"... most of all you've got to hide it from the kids.. koo-coo-kachoo... mrs robertson.... "

That was hilarious Ping... thanks.
And the flip side, from Ask Amy, which I read for the entertainment value:

Dear Amy: I am a 49-year-old married woman. Our daughter is 17 years old.

Over the past several months, I've become friends with a 19-year-old boy at work. He's cute and bright.

My daughter saw him and thought the same. Eventually they met, and he was interested enough in her to call her a few times, and they finally went out on a formal date. He promised to call again but failed to do so.

My daughter was extremely disappointed and, frankly, so was I.

My daughter and I took an overseas trip a few days after their date, and a few weeks passed until I returned to work and saw the boy again. I could hardly stand to see him.

Now I realize my disappointment is not just for my daughter: I've been living vicariously through her because I want him for myself!

I can't explain it except to say it is not sexual. I just like being around him. I had pictured him getting to know my husband, having Thanksgiving at our house and eventually marrying my daughter.

He has broken my heart!

Do you have any advice?

-- Brokenhearted Mom

Dear Mom: I am so sorry for your terrible loss.

Once you emerge from your mourning period, it might be helpful for you to look in the mirror, remind yourself that you are a middle-age wife and mother, and grow up already.

It is fairly clear that neither you nor your daughter is mature enough to be dating.

It is normal for a 17-year-old to be disappointed when a guy doesn't call.

Your broken heart falls squarely under the category of "irrational."

Despite what you say, I think that you do have a crush on this young man. This sort of thing is not unheard of, but you do need to get a grip, Mrs. Robinson.

You are setting a poor example for your daughter. If her mother falls apart when a guy doesn't call after one date, how is a girl supposed to react to romantic disappointment in a mature and balanced way?

Chalk this up to a lesson learned, and from here on out, stay out of your daughter's romantic life.

Ya know...

Every now and then I get kinda depressed because my work schedule makes it tough to meet new people.

Then I read about what I'm avoiding by being in the office at this hour...and I dont' feel so depressed anymore.

There's such balance in nature... :lol:

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