The government in the 30's did'nt hold a gun to people's heads and demanded they work. They offered work to people who wanted / needed it. They were paid and housed and in turn did a service for the country. How can the ACLU attack that? As far as the racists go, again this is not a force generated threat. It is an offer by an employer (U.S. Govt) to the available workforce. It's the choice of the individual to avail themselves of the opportunity for employment. What can be profiled as racist with that? I think it's time in this country to STOP pandering to specialized groups and tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Our country. morally, economically and whatever other way you can think of, is going to hell in a hand basket. We have heard the mirroring of the Roman Empire and their fall. We may be on the same course or we may just implode from a civil war. The racial factions seem to be growing further and further apart. Starting to look like the 60's again. Don't mean to pontificate, just an opinion.