Thanks for the notice... I'll have to miss it. Takes second seat to hockey!
I watched the Aikido section, it was pretty interesting. I think the most entertaining section was getting to see alot of the current masters and a little bit of education.
I've only seen the karate and aikido episodes. I think it's a pretty cool show, especially to be able to see all the old masters show their stuff.
It's more entertainment than educational for me, but mostly I feel jealous that the host is being paid to travel the world and train with famous martial arts masters. lucky lucky lucky!
Kinda like that Travel Channel show where that woman gets to travel all over the world and stay in the most expensive hotels.
I've enjoyed virtually every episode that I've seen; I'm pretty sure there are only like 6 or 7 in total. I'd hate to do a stand-up routine with y'all as the audience! Tough crowd!:jedi1:
Unfortunately, I wasn't overly impressed with the show either. Don't know why, just couldn't get into it. My preference would be for Mind Body and Kick *** Moves, that's an awesome show. Just my tuppence though.