Deadliest warrior

I'd say call the cops, because spear and ninja star damage may not be covered under some home insurance policies. However, take your time so you can enjoy the fight.

However if spartan-vs-ninja-related damages are covered, then sell tickets, but call the cops to help maintain crowd control... lol.

How cool of an Insurance company would it be it did offer spear and ninja star coverage? What else would they offer?

Death Star coverage, for those that refuse to cover their exhaust ports.

Alien acid blood coverage for the Colonial Marine Corps?

Giant monster/robot damage in Tokyo?

I wanna do buisiness with that company.


What I don't get is, if it's meant to be a fair fight why not have the "simulated" battles in a ring, basketball court, swimming pool, or some other type of enclosed space. The ninja lost because he didnt use his stealth and pick the Spartan off from a tree. Don't call it a head to head battle if it is in fact not head to head then oh, suddenly it is!
I saw the show for about 30 seconds. After that it lost me.

Now if it was BF-109K .vs. P-47C I'd be interested. But to try to use two totally dissimilar warriors in a sterile battle that was not on ground of their choosing, well it's really silly.

All these shows provide is a dressed up fanboy arguement over wolverine and spiderman with airs of education.

"Samurai beats knight!"
"Nuh uh!! Knight beats samurai!"
"Totally no way, dude. Samurai has a katana! That's like wolverine claws."
"Nuh uh. Knight has shield! That's totally Captain America!"
"Captain America died, dude! Samurai have daikyu! That's like the gun that shot Captain America!"
"Totally not, dude. Knight has crossbow! Plus he's got chromed out armor! He's like the Surfer and the Cap' combined! No way some dude with a bent sword is gonna beat him!"

And on and on and on. Which is why I generally do not watch such shows.

Hah! That really hits home with me as both a MAtist and as a comic book fan.

For the record...Spider-man FTW
Always liked Spidey. Never warmed up to Toby Maguire in the role; too much of Peter Jackson's Frodo in his portrayal. Which is weird, given that Peter Jackson's Frodo was Elijah Wood. I would have rather seen Spidey portrayed with a bit more of the smart alec and humorous attitude that he had in the comics years ago. Chris O'Donnel or Orlando Bloom would have been better casting choices in my opinion. But I suppose I should be relieved that they did not do to Spidey what they did to poor Darth Vader. What a screw job that was!

Conversely, I never much cared for Wolverine until the X-Men movies, where I felt that Hugh Jackman really made the character likeable. Even if ol' Hugh is a foot taller than Wolverine in the comics, I felt that his performance was definitive, much in the way that Reeve was for Superman in the seventies and Bale was for Batman in the recent movies.

What I don't get is, if it's meant to be a fair fight why not have the "simulated" battles in a ring, basketball court, swimming pool, or some other type of enclosed space. The ninja lost because he didnt use his stealth and pick the Spartan off from a tree. Don't call it a head to head battle if it is in fact not head to head then oh, suddenly it is!

That was my complaint with the show. They compare apples to oranges. They compared the apache with a gladiator. Huh? Are they fighting in an arena? Then I'll go with a gladiator. If it is just wandereing around in the countryside because I got lost and layed down for a nap then I'm going with the apache.

Same with the others. Ninjas (let's not get into the argument that no one can actually prove what they did or didn't do and most of our belief comes from fictional accounts) were designed for stealth and gettin in and out of someplace unseen. Their combat was designed to incapacitate and escape. Spartans on the other hand were trained from childhood to fight as a unit and all of their tactics and battle plans were designed for head to head combat.
Exactly man, I don't see how you can put these warriors on a level playing field. Unless they were to do it like a tournament and have similar styles face off elimination style then eventually the dissimilar ones would meet. One thing that should be kept a constant is where they fight. The ninja didn't use the environment, neither did the apache. Two of the greatest stealth/infiltrators ever stood out in the open, no f-ing way.
That's a good point. With the exception of the gladiator (whow as for all intents and purposes, a duelist specializing in 1:1 combat), all the other examples were warriors who worked in groups. Apaches, ninja, Spartans, pirates, knights....all fought in in groups of some sort and there combat style was based on the group tactics utilized (the Spartan shield wall, mounted combat for the Knight heavy cavalry, etc). it makes no sense to take these warriors out of context and make these comparisons.

Hell the knight was designed for pitched battle with men at arms, foot soldiers, archers, etc. It's funny how the show always seems to turn into an argument amonth the experts at the various arts.

Oh, the Spartan/Ninja episode was so funny to me. You have this tough Green Beret representing the Spartan and the Ninjas are represented by what seemed to me as two nerds who have never seen any sort of combat.
Hell, look at teh "simulation" of the episode...the ninja is hiding in a tree...he's armed with a blow gun and poison darts which have just been demostrated to be deadly (the blowfish toxin) and accurate. The ninja jumps down and tries to sneak up on the Spartan rather than pick him off...makes no sense.

I'm betting the knight will lose in the pirate vs. Knight battle due to drowning in his own armor :p

I'm betting the knight will lose in the pirate vs. Knight battle due to drowning in his own armor :p



Good point I hadn't thought of that.... that armor is not exactly the best thing to be wearing on the deck of a ship.... that is unless he is the anchor :D

So what's next on Deadliest warrior Conquistadors vs. Navy Seals
I did notice in the opening credits the image of a 1920's style gangster holding a tommy gun...I betting mafia gangster vs. stone throwing Arab youths.

I've been wrong before.

Good point I hadn't thought of that.... that armor is not exactly the best thing to be wearing on the deck of a ship.... that is unless he is the anchor So what's next on Deadliest warrior Conquistadors vs. Navy Seals

I heard they are gonna have LA Street Gangs Vs. 11 year olds from the local Mcdojo.
aw heck why not just get the whole thing over with and go for

The Persian Empire of Xerxes I vs an ICBM

Or Chuck whichever way they choose to meet thier doom :D