Datu Hartman's seminar in Portland

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
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The exact count was 17 actively training, but 19 were registered and in attendance. This does not include Mr. Hartman, or the 4 guests that were also there.
Originally posted by DWright
The exact count was 17 actively training, but 19 were registered and in attendance. This does not include Mr. Hartman

I don't think I understand then--what were the other two doing?
Physical limitations did not allow for them to train. One person reinjured a shoulder on the first technique, and was very interested in staying on the floor to watch.

The other trained as much as possible, but ended up bowing out and helping out with adminstrative tasks.

Just for the record. They were offered refunds by me, but both refused, because they wanted to stay on the floor and watch.
Originally posted by Pappy Geo

After the seminar Datu Worden gifted Datu Hartman with a Timberline Wortac, and Datu Hartman reciprocated with a training knife symbolic in bonding of the Modern Arnis family.

Datu Hartman
How do you like the Wortac??? Its a monster isn't it!!!!!! It has a different feel to it then the Emerson. The Emerson is one tough blade, but I really like the girth and weight of the Wortac, and the blade does leave a nasty mark.............I think the two together would make a an excellent team........

How's everyone doing? It's been a very hectic week for me. Yesterday I got some much needed R&R, shooting people (Paint Ball)!

First of all I would like to thank Mrs. Wright for hosting this event. I think she did a wonderful job pulling things together. I'm looking forward to returning in June to teach a joint seminar with Dan Anderson.

It was nice to finally meet Datu Worden face to face and a pleasure to meet Prof Trigg. I didn't know that Trigg was the first to bring Remy and Ernesto Presas to the Portland area.

I had a very positive feeling about my trip and looking forward to many more visits in the future.

Worden and I exchanged knives at the end of the seminar and I must agree with you Bob, It's alot of knife! Bigger than I usually carry, but it grows on you. It's surprising how well a knife of it's size can fit in your pocket.

On a side note, I would like to welcome Dan Anderson to Martial Talk. It is good to see more of the Modern Arnis people becoming involved in our forum. It would be nice to see members of all the Modern Arnis groups represented.

When Kaith was putting this site together I suggested that there would be a Modern Arnis section for people to ask questions and share information no matter who they were. I feel that we have accomplished this as a group. I look forward to further sharing and growing together.

Respectfully yours,
Datu Tim Hartman
Remy A. Presas' Modern Arnis
