Dan Inosanto on japanese show

You are not alone in your confusion, TimoS :D.
WOW! That's so weird. I was looking at the link from "I know why they killed him."

I must have pasted the wrong link. My bad.

Here's Magulang Na Guro Dan Inosanto

This link should work.
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He really is amazing! This is my 1st time watching him "live" (as opposed to magazines.

A buddy of mine had Guro Inosanto as his jr. high gym teacher. When he found out I was in MA he asked me if I'd ever heard of "Mr. I." as he called him. He was amazed that I used the term "legend" for his old gym coach.

He said Mr. I was a great guy. He said Mr. I carried an escrima stick that was shreaded at the top. If you were screwing around during calistenics, you could hear it coming as it whistled & made contact with your calf! Of course THAT was more than 35 years ago. Mr. I couldn't do that now if he taught school.

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