Damn I AM old

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
My wife just told me that due to gas prices I could go buy a motorcycle of my choice and I realized right then and there that I am not sure I want one anymore.

I’ve had them in the past (got my first bike at 15) and always thought I would want one around but I am realizing that ever since the birth of our youngest daughter I just have not had any desire to own a bike.

This actually surprises me I did not expect her to make this offer and I certainly did not expect my ambiguity in response to being told "go buy any motorcycle you want".

Where a few years back I would have jumped in the car and immediately gone to the nearest Harley dealer now I told her let me think about it.

This is rather shocking to me
Is this a midlife crisis type toy.:boing2:

I don't know about you but if my wife tells me I can have a toy there is usually a catch.
It is not that you are old but wiser and you know if she is saying get one that she wants something as well. Welcome to true manhood.
This is what I am thinking as well. But even without that I keep thinking that I can use that money for training since all the teachers I am considering contacting are at a minimum of 4 hours away, and those are the close ones... the others are about a 21 hour flight away.

I am surprised that I actually really do not care if I have a bike or not these days since at one time it was most definitely essential to my sanity. But then I do not care much about sanity anymore either :D
You know Xue in two day's time you will be at the motorcycle dealer. This I am betting on.
This caution is not being old.... it is the simple realization that you must continue survive to old age in order to care for the young ones.

After years of being able to put away a rather astounding amount of hard alcohol, I quit cold when I became a single dad. It wasn't that I got old overnight, or thought coke suddenly tasted better without rum... it was just that I realized that if my 2 daughters (then 7 and 4) were endangered and I was 6 sheets to the wind, then nobody else was around to save them.

It's not growing old for either of us - it is growing up. It is making sure the kids - now 4 of them - have their chance to grow up. Then, the children will do amazingingly dangerous and stupid things - and THOSE will make us grow old.
Decision made no bike.

After much thought I realized I am not the same person I was then. example; I no longer have the desire to walk into bars with signs on the door that say no guns, no knives, no colors.

Basically I appear to not need one anymore nor do I wish to go back to those days. They were fun while they lasted but I have a lot more fun now playing with the kids