Ok I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good martial arts schools in Dallas, tx around shady brook ln or around the northpark mall area? I have googled plenty of schools but what I'm wanting to know is if any are any good and reputable and at a reasonable price.
Thanks in Advance
I'm not close to where you are describing (I'm in far north FT Worth/Denton Country line), however I know of several instructors in that North Dallas area.
1) My karate instructor teaches out of the Cooper Fitness Center (Preston and Forest Ln area) (been with him 30 years) so I can vouch for his and the instructors that help him teach his program.
2) I know of another instructor (Mr. Cox) who teaches up in Richardson (off of Arapaho and Custer) who teaches a blend of Shotokan (inspired karate) and Jujitsu who is very good. Again I've known the instructor for many years and he is very good and an excellent instructor.
3) Mr. Keith Yates has a organization AKATO
http://a-kato.org/ that is based in that area, so there are several schools that teach American Karate/TKD and I have worked out with, competed against their students, etc. etc. many of these instructors and they are all good people and well rounded martial artists. Many of these instructors teach part time out of local Rec Centers/YMCAs so while the instruction is good the costs are low.
All of these instructors I've known for many years, trained with them, taken instruction from them etc. etc. and all are associated with the AKATO group. The good thing with the AKATO group is that there are variations within the organization such as Kenpo schools, American TKD schools, Japanese inspired karate (like my instructor and Mr. Cox), even those like me who also teach other arts like jujitsu and the FMAs. AKATO has a pretty open policy to educating their instructors (with continuing education classes and courses for the instructors) so they are inclusive instead of restrictive or having a closed door mindset. This is what I meant by the instructors being well rounded over all. Plus many of these instructors help out at different schools and different locations so again there is common bond between them (as in no in fighting amongst them) so I would recommend that you might check out the AKATO website (to see if there is art or school you might be interested in and go from there).
I teach in Roanoke TX at a Rec. Center. I teach American Karate/TKD and Modern Arnis, so if you are interested in an FMA school I can recommend an instructor over there who is in the Plano/Allen area but I would have to get in contact with them as I don't know if they still have a school or not. I can't vouch for many of the FMA instructors in the Dallas area because I don't know many of the instructors (personally) or how they teach (this is not to say they aren't good at what they do, I just don't know them on the same level I know of the instructors in the AKATO group).