I do not do Wing Chun buy I can get you a listing by tomorrow I live in Grand Prairie and my TKD school is in Arlington. I know of one in Arlington but there address is at my Dojang. I'll send it tommorrow for you.
Try Jon Rister with the Wu Hsin Kuen Academy of Martial Arts. He is located just West of the Irving Mall on W. Airport Fwy
He is under Francis Fong and the Wing Chun Association of the USA.
Jon is a very knowlegeable and an excellent martial artist.
Contact him at: sifugurojon@aol.com
or check his web site at. www.wuhsinkuen.com
I do not do Wing Chun buy I can get you a listing by tomorrow I live in Grand Prairie and my TKD school is in Arlington. I know of one in Arlington but there address is at my Dojang. I'll send it tommorrow for you.
Do you still have the name of the Wing Chun school in Arlington? If so, please send to leonardkennedy@sbcglobal.net