daito ryu scrolls


MTS Alumni
During a converstion with a fellow aikido-ka he mentioned seeing a book on daito ryu that discussed five scrolls written around the ninth century a.d. These scrolls contained drawings for around 500 techniques used in the system. Does anyone here have any information that could help us in our search for this info? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps he was referring to the "Heiho Okugisho"? This was a book on the strategies of the Takeda-han.
When I first began my studies information [in English] regarding NGA versus Daito Ryu was non-existant with most information being derived from "oral traditions' handed down in the various affiliated NGA dojos stating that Morita had studied under Sokaku, or even Kotaro [with some information having been plagerized from student notes]. Later in the 80's Obata wrote a number of books, Samurai Aikijutsu, Crimson Blade, etc., referencing the art of Daito Ryu and the traditions of the Takeda Clan. To date I possess over 300 titles in a personal library, but have never found any reference to 5 scrolls written in the 9th century, but that is not to say that they dont exist. However, since the mid 80's Daito Ryu has become one of the more promenient rising stars of MA, and pehaps this art answers a question presented in a article written by Mr MacEwen [a leading proponent of NGA] around this same period of time when he asked "What's next?"

Mr. F., I had considered writting you directly with this question but am glad that you responded here. I will see my classmate again on monday evening and will ask him for a link to the spot that he found a reference to the scrolls then and will post it here if it's still available. I've not had any luck finding more information on them myself but my research skills are somewhat lacking. Thank you for the input. :asian:
theletch1 said:
Mr. F., I had considered writting you directly with this question but am glad that you responded here. I will see my classmate again on monday evening and will ask him for a link to the spot that he found a reference to the scrolls then and will post it here if it's still available. I've not had any luck finding more information on them myself but my research skills are somewhat lacking. Thank you for the input. :asian:

Dont hesitate to contact me directly, in fact it may be better that way.
Guys it might be better that way but then you would deprive the rest of us of some knowledge And i for one am interested in learning
I've had the chance to discuss this with my classmate a bit more in depth. He was trying to tell me that the books that he found only referenced the scrolls...they weren't the scrolls themselves. The best we can figure is that the scrolls were passed down from master to master in the art or parent art of Daito Ryu. We're still digging (O.K. Paul is probably diggin' deeper than I am) for a bit more info. At this point is simply become something of a curiosity to both of us and we'll be sure to post anything we find of interest for ya'll here. :)