When I first began my studies information [in English] regarding NGA versus Daito Ryu was non-existant with most information being derived from "oral traditions' handed down in the various affiliated NGA dojos stating that Morita had studied under Sokaku, or even Kotaro [with some information having been plagerized from student notes]. Later in the 80's Obata wrote a number of books, Samurai Aikijutsu, Crimson Blade, etc., referencing the art of Daito Ryu and the traditions of the Takeda Clan. To date I possess over 300 titles in a personal library, but have never found any reference to 5 scrolls written in the 9th century, but that is not to say that they dont exist. However, since the mid 80's Daito Ryu has become one of the more promenient rising stars of MA, and pehaps this art answers a question presented in a article written by Mr MacEwen [a leading proponent of NGA] around this same period of time when he asked "What's next?"