At the beginning of this post you say that the point is to read that I have to think about it....but at the end you are pretty much telling me what to think about it.JKDooer said:You have to think about what is written in these post and in the articles that the post reference.
So, let me ask you - if Al Tracy is so open to curriculum only, will he accept American Kenpo Black belt to transfer to equal rank? The answer - no. Why, because of ideology - because he wants you to think the way he does. Do American Kenpo Systems allow for rank transfer from Tracy's to their schools, or even within their own sects? No - for the same reasons. Bottom line - money and power. This is a great weakness in the kenpo systems.
This is OK with you? If the system and organization is not honest, or if it has ulterior motives and agendas, then this is a big deal, and these organizations should be avoided.
I am fortunate to have found a few good instructors who teach independently of the founding organizations and associations. I am sure that there are some very good instructors out there. But from reading many of the posts of this and other discussion boards, the ideologies of the practitioner's association permeates their objective reasoning. It is very apparent in some of the responses to this thread, and in many threads where the Tracy vs. Parker arguments surface.
Bottom line - you should 1.) carefully, objectively view your association's ideologies, especially when it appear to be the only' authentic' kenpo system.
2.) don't be a victim of mind control. If you don't know a rumor or piece of history to be true, don't repeat it. Just because the head dude runs his flap off against his competitor, don't add to it. Let him fight his own business wars.
3.) Don't create false rumors - you know - lie.
4.) Think, before you respond. Some of the posts to this and other threads are already answered within the same thread.
I am asking you directly what was the point if the thread starter and I am getting double talk.
On the point of curriculum and cross recognition... I have to agree with the practice of not just accepting at face value a different organizations BB as my BB. Would I recongnize and respect said BB for interaction? Yes. Would I just welcome in a different ranking structures BB and not make sure that the skills, drills and materials match? NO.
If someone decides they want to be a BB in someone elses organization, they are going to fall under a different curriculum. It may be close, but it is still different. I did this when I went from ATA to Jhoon Rhee TKD years back. I was 'ranked' at a (don't honestly remember - it was really low though, like Yellow or the next one up) because that was the lowest level rank that I hasd the representative skill/ability to match JR TKD curriculum. Only way to make sure that you are maintaining standards and quality.
Obviously, the 'so what' was to emphasize that this cult issue has been thrown out there with no context and I am asking for one to be presented. Discussions, for success, should have a framework.
THis looks like veiled slamming guised as 'make your own opinion known.'