Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
You could come up with a fighting crutches kata?
That quote is from this post
Apparently I have come up with a crutch fighting application, aka crutchfu
The yesterday a co-worker was joking around and faked a kick to my left crutch, the crutch on the bad knee side. I automatically shifted weight to my right leg took my right crutch off the ground turn my waist and stopped my crutch a few inches from the back of his head. To which he said, maybe that wasn't such a good idea afterall, and then laughed.
Who knew... I AM A CRUTCHFU MASTER :mst: :headbangin:
I will be making videos, building a website and selling...errrr I mean...granting belt ranks next week... and of course only certified Crutchfu crutches can be used
DVDs $49.99/dvd
Certified Crutchfu Crutches with REAL Crutchfu logo $149.99
Belts, prices vary depending on rank
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