crossing legs?

Rather amazing how often people fail to understand the purpose of kata.

Enson said:
i went back to the library today and looked it up. it is called yoko o aruki. it explains that you can use the move to side step an on coming attacker. looks kinda silly!


Enson, the best response I can give you to this, is find a video where a qualified instructor in one of the Kans is demonstrating technique and watch his feet. You will see that as a stepping motion used to flow from one kame (thats "stance" for sojobow, since he requested we post terms in english) into another durring a fight... you never "stay" that way. Seeing it in motion would explain it a LOT better than any picture could. I wish I had a clip I could show you... it would clear it up I think.
heretic888 said:
Rather amazing how often people fail to understand the purpose of kata.


It is hard to say if Sojobow cannot understand the purpose due to his lack of experience and knowledge, or if he is just continuing his quest to trash the Bujinkan whenever he can.

After all, he says he does have an interest in actually lerning it, but will demean it when he can. And this despite the fact that he has been told that other skilled arts such as bagua and silat have it.

It seems to me that Sojobow is just trying to trash the arts that can be traced back to Japan because his own teacher's claims fall flat on their face. He just tried to say that he had some pictures on the net that woudl destroy my credibility, but refuses to post them like he said he would. And that is not the only case of him trying to destroy the credibility of those that say that his art can't be found in Japan. Trashing a move he refuses to even seriously look into seems just part of his disruptions.
Technopunk said:
Enson, the best response I can give you to this, is find a video where a qualified instructor in one of the Kans is demonstrating technique and watch his feet. You will see that as a stepping motion used to flow from one kame (thats "stance" for sojobow, since he requested we post terms in english) into another durring a fight... you never "stay" that way. Seeing it in motion would explain it a LOT better than any picture could. I wish I had a clip I could show you... it would clear it up I think.
you are probably right. i have not seen the move in action to make an acurate analysis. just seeing the pic though the guy looks ridiculous. he has his hands to his side and is moving out of the way with an oncoming attacker.
I haven't seen the book in question, so I have no way of even knowing if the person demoing yoko aruki is doing it correctly. It may look awkward, but by bending the knees, your legs are actually not tied up. And it's typically used, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, more for turning, or moving sideways while keeping your body square to your opponent.

Technopunk said:
........You will see that as a stepping motion used to flow from one kame (thats "stance" for sojobow, since he requested we post terms in english) into another durring a fight... you never "stay" that way.
Ok Pinky, now I'm gonna have to slap ya round a tidbit (got that from my hero).

Anyway. What Technopunk, Kreth and DR are verbally painting is what is known as a "transitition stance" (transition kame?). Also, a "transition flow." Point is, it (the technique) can be expressed quite logically "without" crossing the legs.

I'll explain my take further in benefits/drawbacks of modern (the thread)
sojobow said:
Point is, it (the technique) can be expressed quite logically "without" crossing the legs.
Well, that's your opinion. Yoko aruki is very useful in a fight sense, in that it allows you to turn your body with less stepping. It's tough to explain, but the foot placement, when done properly, can let you evade a strike and turn for a better angle in one movement.

Technopunk said:
kame (thats "stance" for sojobow, since he requested we post terms in english) .
i think the right spelling is kamae. i could be wrong.;)
Kreth said:
Well, that's your opinion. Yoko aruki is very useful in a fight sense, in that it allows you to turn your body with less stepping. It's tough to explain, but the foot placement, when done properly, can let you evade a strike and turn for a better angle in one movement. Jeff
Believe me, I'm not disputing the efficacy (sp.l) of Yoko Aruki. I'm only saying that I (personally) would be apprehensive in crossing as a transition step especially when there are ways to do the same motion/evasion with less motion. I can see instances where I might HAVE TO use Yoko Aruki, but it's only when I have made a previous mistake. But again, I'm not disputing the technique.
Don Roley said:
He just tried to say that he had some pictures on the net that woudl destroy my credibility, but refuses to post them like he said he would. And that is not the only case of him trying to destroy the credibility of those that say that his art can't be found in Japan. Trashing a move he refuses to even seriously look into seems just part of his disruptions.
Read the post. I asked you a question and told you that I would not play until you answer my question on Ninja. Til you answer, just keep crying. We've moved on the bigger and better subjects. Stay in your dulldromes.
sojobow said:
I can see instances where I might HAVE TO use Yoko Aruki, .
like when one has to urinate! hee hee! :lol::rofl: man that was funny!
i seriously see no need for this technique when a shuffel would be more effective from my experience. man i need to scan that pic!
sojobow said:
Read the post. I asked you a question and told you that I would not play until you answer my question on Ninja. Til you answer, just keep crying.

Nope, look at the post yourself.

You said you were waiting for me to say that the event did not take place so you could spring your trap and post the photos. Well, I am saying the event did not take place.

So, if anyone thinks that Sojobow is here with an honest question and would come to a honest opinion of yoko aruki, then you merely need to look at his past behavior to see that he has an agenda and is quite willing to lie to push it forward. Trying to convince him that yoko aruki works is like trying to convince a fraud that they choudl not seel their products becasue they don't work. (I.e. because like Sojobow they know that and don't care.)
Don Roley said:
Nope, look at the post yourself.

You said you were waiting for me to say that the event did not take place so you could spring your trap and post the photos. Well, I am saying the event did not take place.
Nope, look at the post yourself.

Sure I can. This one is easy. But first, Define Ninja.

Enson, now i get it, it was funny. Urinate!!!!!!!!
sojobow said:
Sure I can. This one is easy. But first, Define Ninja.

The post has nothing to do with defining ninja. You said you had photos you could post. Now you are trying to divert attention away from the fact you lied. Typical tactic, say you can do something, but when called on it put up something you want the other guy to do. But never do it. Same as the old 10,000 dollar challenge by Ashida Kim.

You said you had the photos, go ahead and post them.
Don Roley said:
The post has nothing to do with defining ninja. You said you had photos you could post. Now you are trying to divert attention away from the fact you lied. Typical tactic, say you can do something, but when called on it put up something you want the other guy to do. But never do it. Same as the old 10,000 dollar challenge by Ashida Kim.

You said you had the photos, go ahead and post them.
I see you. You believe that if you can keep interjecting your favorite 3 names into our threads in this subsection, the Moderators will lock the threads. You are on your own as I will not discuss any individual. There is just too much good information here to allow you to keep acting stupid. C U. NO RESPONSES FROM ME AGAIN off subject.
Now that Sojobow has been suspended, maybe this subject can finally be discussed calmly and honestly.

The following clip,

shows a Silat style of cross step. Twice as a matter of fact. The movements are deep and there is a lot going on that may not be obvious to a causual viewer. The guy who made this clip is very, very skilled and has had some real experience in using what he shows.
Enson said:
like when one has to urinate! hee hee! :lol::rofl: man that was funny!
i seriously see no need for this technique when a shuffel would be more effective from my experience. man i need to scan that pic!

Not neccessarily... there are times when to keep your power center in line with your opponent's weak spot you cannot do that without turning your body... that cross step can facilitate that better than a shuffle, without pointing you "away".
Crossing your legs is a way to ****(twist) your waste without having to turn your upper body. It allows you to generate a lot of power in a circular motion to either throw, strike or break an opponent.

Don Roley said:
shows a Silat style of cross step. Twice as a matter of fact. The movements are deep and there is a lot going on that may not be obvious to a causual viewer. The guy who made this clip is very, very skilled and has had some real experience in using what he shows.
i saw the video. i can make out what your talking about but... i just have a problem with tying up my legs. what if there ar mulitple attackers? you might need your legs for a back kick or a heel stomp kick. if all you are doing is fighting with your hands... well that might be the case. how much balance can you really have with the yoko aruki? what if you get pushed in the back by someone else. little hard to defend yourself with your legs crossed. again this is my opinion. its nice to see that some use this.
don, would you say (according to the video) that he bujin yoko aruki is similar?
i will say that we use crossing legs only in stealth walking, but never in combat. well at least from what i've seen.
i just saw a kenjutsu kata form of hayes and he has yoko aruki. looks okay but i still wouldn't do so. i would use a pary/sidestep (sp?) instead.
