

Senior Master
SO, here at Leonard Wood, the Detachment Commanded has instituted a new policy. For the last week our PT sessions have been Crossfit. To me it doesn't seem like all they've been saying (our instructors have been breifing us on our new PT sessions). We've been told that the reason is they are scaeling it down so we don't get hurt.... and we aren't putting out enough. Anyway, I got interested and I decided to go to the website, and I went to a few other sites (the Detachment seems to have a blog with alot of info on the order). But, I kinda want to hear what you guys think.

Anybody here do Crossfit before? Have any comments, good or bad?
Also, There is a website ( that has a vertual hopper. I'm thinking that I'm going to start doing a crossfit work out on my own by using the results from the hopper. Then it occured to me, hay I could do the same thing with my Martial Arts. Come up with a martial side to each work out in the hopper. Does that sound like a good idea?

If you want to know why they added Crossfit to the training routine it's because the CFT is going to become a requirement in April(?), and there are alot of Marines who aren't doing well on 'trial runs'. The Colonel thought that Crossfit would be the perfect way to help us prepare for it, and that it would also help our PFT scores as well. For more info on the PFT and CFT, google them. You'll find alot of info.
I run CrossFit sessions on a daily basis. They can vary from somewhat difficult to make you throw up hard. Some of the workouts I have designed as a CrossFit trainer have had my clients sore for several days and these guys/girls are very well conditioned athletes. I have had a few SF guys try it and they were hurting by the end of the workout. The thing is with the workouts is that they canpush every level of person to their limit, if the ones running the workout and setting them up know what they are doing. If they don't, it will not be hard at all.

I find that they can bump up the level of fitness of any individual if they put in their effort and are trained right.

Let us know what you think.
Let us know what you think.

Of course. But what do you think (since you are a trainer) of making martial arts version of the work outs? I was thinking of spending a day doing variations of simple drills and the like with my own crossfit routines. And setting up the way I do those martial routines like it's a crossfit workout.
Of course. But what do you think (since you are a trainer) of making martial arts version of the work outs? I was thinking of spending a day doing variations of simple drills and the like with my own crossfit routines. And setting up the way I do those martial routines like it's a crossfit workout.

I already make MA versions of the workouts. I was inspired by the one that the originators of CrossFit made for BJ Penn. I take the movements of the sport and see which exercises mimmick them. Then I sequence them and decide how they will be performed(reps for time or as many as you can in a minute). Then how many cycles and then throw it at my fighters.
I started doing crossfit (scale ddown to my level via the brandx site) back in August. I was able to maintain my strength gains from my old workout scheme and I really boosted my cardio. I'm a fan.

For me, the big thing is to not try to go out for the highest scaling no matter how easy it seems. Any time I do that, I regret it. Stay humble and work hard.


Thank you for the link. I have tried a similar approach with my workouts this wil give me a fresh approach.

I have to say some of those routines seem brutal but thats the way I like it.
If you're in to Crossfit, Crossfit's Facebook page reached 5,000 fans so they are having a special 40% off their store items.

40% off Coupon Code: FBFinalSale
Note: Click "APPLY" for the discount to take effect!
Effective tonight at midnight PST until midnight PST on Sunday!
I've always wanted to do crossfit. I think crossfit can really benefit Martial Arts training, especially an intense workout. Conditioning classes at MA schools can be very similar to Crossfit, but that's not everyday or as intense every time.

Having a Martial Arts Dojo combined with cross fit sessions would be something I would like to see!
Heh! I was just reading an article in a small PNW martial arts trade journal about Crossfit out of Seattle.

We already do a lot of things that are fitness builders, skill builders designed for the obvious and to stretch the repertoire.

Cross training is almost always good. Sounds like another all-around fitness builder ... you can find that with some imagination, good equipment and research.

Cuong - you're doing this in the military which I read about today. Have fun!
For an improved upon version of what Crossfit does, check out

I like the basics concept of CF, although it's not really new, as a Kid my old man would have me do stuff like like Barbell squat, then 8 count Body builders and then pull ups for about 15-20 minutes. That was in 1985-7.

I am a KB Instructor (Quite the RKC as it became a cult like org.), body weight trainer (Monkey bar Gym CFN L1) and Personal trainer and i do usse 2-4 drill circuits for 20-30 minutes with alot of my clients to good effect, when i couple it with some individual bodypart work and Yoga.

I like how they string short circuits for GPP but you do have to watch some of the workouts, doing Barbell olympic lifts for high reps and for time is not a good idea (KBs are better for that) and the whole Pukey and Rhabdo is plain stupid. Puking happens sometimes but should not be some goal and Rhabdo is mnaking light of siomething that can kill you.

The concept , done to scale is great, lots of the trainers and folks who train with them are great, The Org and Glassmen are another matter.

CF style workouts , with some specific goal training and some Yoga is a great way to go.
I mix in with my regular workouts. Some of the exercises I either just cannot do or I do not have the equipment, so I usually substitute with other exercises.

I just started getting into working out with sandbags and I got a TRX recently for my birthday. I will be trying out the TRX later this week.

Now to just stop having the cookies with lunch and I might actually loose some weight :)

and there are alot of Marines who aren't doing well on 'trial run...

A LOT of Marines not running well you say? I'm bewildered by this. Back when I was a Marine, we could run for days. In fact every single one of us couldn't leave bootcamp unless we could do the 5 mile run. I believe even the female Marines had to do the 5 mile run.

I'm totally stupefied at this.
For an improved upon version of what Crossfit does, check out

That is kinda funny, as gymjones started off as a CrossFit gym.

CrossFit is at the leading edge of fitness training. I have been in the industry for quite a long while and CrossFit is like nothing that has come before. Many out there are copying the concepts and WODs, then calling them their own.

Trust me when I say this, there are many copy cats out there, but there is only one CrossFit. If you think you are in better condition than the CrossFit athletes, then please compete in a sectional and see how you come out.