Cross Training

Wow, that's a lotta posts quickly. Gotta love us kenpoists. I agree with all of you. Jamie i totally agree with what you are saying about keeping your focus on kenpo. Just wondered what other people's flavours were. I have been toying with some capoeira just for fun. I find that rank is nice but does not sustain itself. A belt only covers 2 inches of my ***, its up to me to cover the rest. Thanks for the viewpoints guyd
Mr. Seabrook, I think you hit on a point that comes up with all styles, not just Kenpo. Students lose focus on what they are doing so they don't get the full benefit of the style they are training in. They say that their style is lacking in something, even though they have not been training in it long enough to find out what it does and does not have. These students are typically the ones that ask "what if" from their first day of training.

Lonekimono, I have not heard of the group to which you refer, but there are other styles of kenpo outside of the Chow/Parker/Tracy/Emperado lineages. Okinawan Kenpo is a classic example of this. It could be also that their founder heard the name and thought it was what he wanted to call it. Just speculation on my part.
searcher said:
Mr. Seabrook, I think you hit on a point that comes up with all styles, not just Kenpo. Students lose focus on what they are doing so they don't get the full benefit of the style they are training in. They say that their style is lacking in something, even though they have not been training in it long enough to find out what it does and does not have. These students are typically the ones that ask "what if" from their first day of training.

...on a related note...

I find it extremely annoying when someone visiting my teacher's's (I have more than one school I participate in well as those schools I'd like to consider myself a part of but due to life/distance factors cannot) school and interrogate my teachers rather than listening to what they have to say and try to learn what the teacher is trying to teach; then asking questions to which you cannot answer. Too many people "cross train" by walking into another man's house and questioning his reason, method, and application before understanding any of what is taking place. Cross training is extremely beneficial, but only when you have a good enough foothold in what you are already a part of to explore a different way of doing things. Once you have a solid foothold, you can reach for the next rock and it will give you a different perspective on essentially the same goal...getting from point a to point b...defeating enemy one so I can keep get to enemy two.

IE: If I were to stand in front of someone, take a stance, and thrust my right fist forward, I'd wager most of us would call that a punch. So what style/system am I doing?
Does it matter?
Only if ego gets in the way of learning.

I am thankful for every opportunity I get to cross train with various instructors...some are very, very good. And some are not. In every case, however, I get to take their viewpoint and their way of doing things and compare/contrast it to what and how I am doing things now. Sometimes, their way fits ME better. And I'm intrigued to learn more. I have been blessed by having the opportunity to interact with and learn from some VERY talented and extremely knowledgeable Artists. (I capitalize that word because those people move and teach so fluidly and so thoroughly that what they do is no longer just a means of self-defense or butt whipping; they've transcended the plateau between the Man and his Art, and have become the Art.) I don't throw insults around and I could care less who you don't like and who wants to throw insults at me. All I care about is what you can teach me and how I can earn the right to learn from what you have to teach me.

This doesn't mean any one system is better than any other. That only means for ME, myself, and I, that particular way of doing things is easier on my body, more efficient at getting what I want done, or more thought provoking/stimulating. No knock on anyone involved, but everyone has their own way of doing things, and to each their own.

Longwinded, I know, and I apologize if I've said anything inflammatory. This seemed the place for intelligent opinion sharing.
IWishToLearn said:

...on a related note...

I find it extremely annoying when someone visiting my teacher's's (I have more than one school I participate in well as those schools I'd like to consider myself a part of but due to life/distance factors cannot) school and interrogate my teachers rather than listening to what they have to say and try to learn what the teacher is trying to teach; then asking questions to which you cannot answer. Too many people "cross train" by walking into another man's house and questioning his reason, method, and application before understanding any of what is taking place. Cross training is extremely beneficial, but only when you have a good enough foothold in what you are already a part of to explore a different way of doing things. Once you have a solid foothold, you can reach for the next rock and it will give you a different perspective on essentially the same goal...getting from point a to point b...defeating enemy one so I can keep get to enemy two.

IE: If I were to stand in front of someone, take a stance, and thrust my right fist forward, I'd wager most of us would call that a punch. So what style/system am I doing?
Does it matter?
Only if ego gets in the way of learning.

I am thankful for every opportunity I get to cross train with various instructors...some are very, very good. And some are not. In every case, however, I get to take their viewpoint and their way of doing things and compare/contrast it to what and how I am doing things now. Sometimes, their way fits ME better. And I'm intrigued to learn more. I have been blessed by having the opportunity to interact with and learn from some VERY talented and extremely knowledgeable Artists. (I capitalize that word because those people move and teach so fluidly and so thoroughly that what they do is no longer just a means of self-defense or butt whipping; they've transcended the plateau between the Man and his Art, and have become the Art.) I don't throw insults around and I could care less who you don't like and who wants to throw insults at me. All I care about is what you can teach me and how I can earn the right to learn from what you have to teach me.

This doesn't mean any one system is better than any other. That only means for ME, myself, and I, that particular way of doing things is easier on my body, more efficient at getting what I want done, or more thought provoking/stimulating. No knock on anyone involved, but everyone has their own way of doing things, and to each their own.

Longwinded, I know, and I apologize if I've said anything inflammatory. This seemed the place for intelligent opinion sharing.
Personally, I think you should pause, take a deep breath, and tell us what you really think.

searcher said:
Yeah, it would give you a chance to truly test your skill. As the inflamed crowd rushes the stage.:p
hey searcher not to worry, we can get it on PPV (lol)
you know its his one lineners(i think i spelled that wrong)
that has me going, you know doc can be the heney youngman of kenpo.
lonekimono10 said:
hey searcher not to worry, we can get it on PPV (lol)
you know its his one lineners(i think i spelled that wrong)
that has me going, you know doc can be the heney youngman of kenpo.
More like Rodey Dangerfield.

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