From the black belt handbook linked above:
Yeah ... I wouldn't touch this organization with a 10 foot pole, but that's just me. Not a fan of control freaks or cult-like institutions.
2. Black Belts shall not exchange any technical knowledge with students or Instructors from other Martial Arts styles whatsoever.
3. Black Belts may not attend Martial Arts seminars organized by other Martial Arts styles, organizations, associations, etc. Black Belts may attend Kuk Sool Wonâ„¢ seminars and workshops only. Black Belts must immediately inform the WKSA if he or she has knowledge that any member attends any Martial Arts instructions, seminars or workshops organized by associations other than the WKSA.
13. Black Belts must not wear any Black Belt other than those presented by or obtained from WKSA headquarters. Black Belts 1st and 2nd Degree shall wear the standard width black belt. Upon promotion to 3rd Degree and higher, the wider width Black Belt may be worn. A Black Belt may embroider their name (if desired) on the Belt provided from WKSA HQ only. Note: Only the name- no other embellishment.
14. All Black Belt Uniforms, Generals' Uniforms, Instructor Uniform, Training Uniform, BBC Pants and Patches must be obtained from WKSA or suppliers approved by WKSA in writing. Currently the only authorized supplier of these items is GayaWon, LLC.
16. Publishing or discussion of any personal information, disparaging remarks or statements, or grievances relating in any way to another member, any do-jahng, the Association, or any employee, officer or owner of the foregoing, is prohibited. This Handbook sets forth the acceptable way to discuss and resolve issues and must be followed. The use of internet forums, blogs and social networking sites to discuss grievances or other matters relating to the Association is prohibited. Any person found to be breaking this rule may have their Association membership revoked, thus forfeiting all privileges and rights of membership.
17. Black Belts must always be addressed by their proper martial art title both in and out of the School. Using WKSA titles, even among friends, shows the highest respect and courtesy.
Yeah ... I wouldn't touch this organization with a 10 foot pole, but that's just me. Not a fan of control freaks or cult-like institutions.