Critical "Swift Boat Veteran" Retracts Charges Against Kerry

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How long do you think the Commander-in-Chief of the Unites States military will allow the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" to continue to smear the United States Navy?

Once again, a voice of reason is raised by David Hackworth (Col. US Army Retired).

Hackworth said:
As our commander in chief, Bush also needs to bear in mind that the U.S. Navy and its high standards for handling awards are now on trial as well.


The Thurlow / Kerry debate now has a third party that validates the 'official' record of what happened at 'Bay Hap'.

The Nation said:
Three Navy men won Bronze Stars for their actions that day: Kerry, Thurlow, and radarman first class Robert Eugene Lambert, a petty officer in the boat captained by Thurlow. The citation for Lambert's Bronze Star--previously undisclosed but obtained today under the Freedom of Information Act from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis--repeats the description of the incident included in the citation for Thurlow's Bronze Star: "all units came under small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks." Lambert's citation also notes that Lambert--who assumed command of PCF-51 after Thurlow went to assist another Swift boat damaged by a mine--"directed accurate suppressing fire at the enemy." The citation praises Lambert's "coolness, professionalism and courage under fire."
Kane said:
I think the military crew with Kerry is telling the truth, and Kerry should be exposed. Some might say it is because the troops are angry because he spoke against the US troops of Vietnam. However, if that is the case then why is Kerry so afraid to show his medical records to the people?

There is no way any person can get three purple hearts in four months. IÂ’m sure he did some self-inflicted injuries. Either way, if Kerry got three purple hearts, the troops at Vietnam who got their arms blown off and what no should get 8 purple hearts. That goes for the Silver and Bronze star he got

Please, they handed out purple hearts by the barrel load in Vietnam. Ask any vet. As to why he is guarding his medical record, it's because it is his right. I sure don't want anyone unnecessarily seeing my medical records, it's none of their business.

Without shifting too much of the issue to Bush, if I'm going to base my vote on a military record (which I'm not), then I would at least vote for someone who had the balls to be there.
Here's what we know that we can be absolutely certain about:

John Kerry, like Al Gore, served in Vietnam in some fashion. President Bush did not, having used his father's connections to get into the Texas ANG. Similarly, our current Vice President and Secretary of Defense applied for, and received, at least four draft deferments each.

Kerry got shot at, more than once. Bush did not, and neither did our VP and Secretary.

Kerry received several decorations, and was sent home after his third Purple Heart, received (like the previous two) for relatively minor wounds.

Subsequently, Kerrey strongly and publicly criticized the War, and testified to this before Congress.

Kerrey's job record includes some years as a prosecutor and lieutenant governor before he became a senator. Bush's record includes three failed oil businesses, several years as an administrator for the Texas Rangers baseball team, and one term as Governor.

When Kerrey remarried, he married an extremely wealthy woman with a ketchup fortune. Bush comes from an extremely-wealthy family of Texas oil tycoons.

Democrats such as Kerry, and Bob Kerrey, and Max Cleland, and some Republicans such as John McCain, have repeatedly had their patriotism and character attacked by Bush's campaigns, as well as by various extremely-right-wing Republican organizations.

One of the heads of, "Swift Boat..." has been following Kerrey around since 1971, financed by right-wing groups, and appears to have no other profession.


CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - Under pressure from Democrats and Republican Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), President Bush (news - web sites) on Monday called for ads attacking John Kerry (news - web sites)'s record in Vietnam to be stopped along with others run by independent groups, and said Kerry should be proud of his war service.

"That means that ad and every other ad," Bush said when asked if he wanted to bring a stop to commercials by a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which accuse Sen. Kerry of lying about his war record in Vietnam.

It's not President Bush behind the ads. Also, it was Kerry who first brought up his Vietnam Record, not the Republicans. It's the only platform on which he thinks he can stand to run on. Too bad it doesn't necessitate being a war vet to become the President.
Here's something else we know FOR SURE:

The "Swift Boat Veterans," group is financed by an assortment of Texas oil millionaires and right-wing Republicans. Moreover, their tactics are exactly those used by Bush elsewhere.

But of course, none of these guys have ties to Bush, Karl Rove, or anyone else in the White House.

Of course, the real issues include:

1. Hawks who have several times evaded military service, and who have never gone to any of the wars they advocate.

2. Right-wing attacks on the patriotism and integrity of combat veterans.

3. Hawks who brush aside the advice of their commanders--Colin Powell comes immediately to mind--who HAVE in fact gone to war, and who learned a few worthwhile things.
Seems like Bush waited a while to condemn the ads; they have been in the media for a while. Guess he was waiting until they sunk into people's minds before saying anything.
Benjamin Ginsberg - Lawyer for Bush - Cheney '04

Benjamin Ginsberg - Lawyer for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

Ken Cordier - Adviser to Bush - Cheney '04 for Veterans Issues

Ken Cordier - Appeared in Swift Boat Veterans for Truth commercial

Bob Perry - Long-time support of George W Bush

Bob Perry - Major financial contributions to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

How long will the Commander-in-Chief of the military allow the Navy's award systems and records to be attacked by this organization?

It's funny how the Dems can say and smear and point fingers and it's fine, but when some body hits back the CRYING starts.

At least Bush never cried MOMMY make it stop like Kerry is right NOW>
D_Brady said:
It's funny how the Dems can say and smear and point fingers and it's fine, but when some body hits back the CRYING starts.
Odd sense of humor you have there.

Can you expand on what the 'Dems' statements or commercials you are refering to when you say 'smear and point fingers'? I am not clear to what you are referring.

Tgace said:
MOVE ON!! ........................................................................ .org
I am assuming you are answer this question

Can you expand on what the 'Dems' statements or commercials you are refering to when you say 'smear and point fingers'?
It's odd that you think 'MOVE ON' is the 'DEMS'.

Oh, yeah, that 'George Soros' thing.

OK .. I can stay open minded on that, although I disagree because MoveOn has been around, doing what it does since "The Impeachment". How many people are funders of MoveOn, and How many people are funders of SBVT...thinkabout it.

So again, I ask, How long will the Commander-in-Cheif of the United States Military allow 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' to assault the record keeping of the United States Navy and attack the methods with which the United States Navy awards service members.

If I were Admiral Vern Clark, I would be pretty pissed that nobody official is saying anything to defend the Military Records.

There is an 'Official Story' to Kerry's citations, you know?
George Bush was AWOL during his National Guard Service " He can't even prove he was there". I heard that that daily for 4 months. Remeber the Dems brought the idea of service records to the stage before anyone, they didn't think that a BAND OF BROTHERS would be the one to say something. Bush NEVER made any remarks about Kerry's record other than saying it was honorable.

Oh I have a question about 527 groups like, Gore and kerry have attended there fuctions thats where Gore screamed "HE played on our fears" So it's okay for them to publicly accept money and attend the events and show support for the 527 groups, but when one hits back CALL THE LAWYERS.

Bush never Cried Please John Kerry Make Michael Moore stop but when it flies the other way boy grab a tissue.

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