Crane Style Form


I'm not familiar with that crane method, altho I practice the Tibetan White Crane method. Very different technique and approach.

I did see some things in your sifu's set that remind me of some of the crane techniques found in Hung Gar's Tiger/Crane form.

thanks for sharing.
Bowser two questions: who is his teacher, and where was this filmed? Both the form and the background are beautiful and powerful. I have three great teachers myself, and it is so gratifying when you watch your teacher and realize both how far you still have to go and know you are with the right one. As a bird stylist (Eagle, Nine Bird, and Southern Crane), I love this one! Thank you!
Bowser two questions: who is his teacher, and where was this filmed? Both the form and the background are beautiful and powerful. I have three great teachers myself, and it is so gratifying when you watch your teacher and realize both how far you still have to go and know you are with the right one. As a bird stylist (Eagle, Nine Bird, and Southern Crane), I love this one! Thank you!

Ninebird his teacher is Master Silvio Azzolini, as well as Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang, and a few others. Primarily Master Azzolini. By the way just to let you know ( if I remember right you said you were from the Dallas area) My school is having a seminar at the end of the month and it is being hosted by Master Azzolini. $50 i believe is the charge and it is roughly 3 hours in length I believe. In case you are interested. Just thought I would let you know.

As to where this was filmed, all of these videos were filmed during his visit to the Shaolin Temple in China. I too hope to get there someday to visit.