Chicago Tribune to Dick Daley: Drop the challenge


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Even the Chicago Tribune, a staunchly anti-gun paper, tells Dick Daley to stop impeding the Constitution:,0,1174999.story

Wilmette's gun ban is history. Morton Grove, which passed the nation's first handgun ban, followed suit on Monday. Those towns repealed their laws because the U.S. Supreme Court in June knocked down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban. Local officials say they don't have the resources to fight challenges to their laws in court.

There's another good reason for their decisions: They would lose. The Supreme Court has made that clear.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, though, insisted last week that the city would defend its handgun ban in court. "Morton Grove can do anything that it wants," Daley said. "I don't look at this lightly—that, 'Oh, because the Supreme Court's done it we're just gonna dismiss it and all of a sudden people can arm themselves.' "

Like Daley, this page strongly disagreed with the court's ruling. We admire his stand on this issue. But the court ruling was clear and explicit: A blanket ban on handgun ownership is unconstitutional under the 2nd Amendment.

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