kenpo tiger
Senior Master
Your profile doesn't say how old you are. I am in my 50s, and trying to find another job would be nigh onto impossible without going back to school and getting retrained. That's assuming I couldn't get another position doing what I do. Point is, I'd be viewed as too old to wait tables in Hooters if I was so inclined or it was necessary [despite my martial arts body.
] You keep glossing over that point. The other thing is, if I've been working somewhere for 20 years, I have seniority, I am probably at the top of my pay scale (something most potential employers would see and shudder), and I like what I do as well as I am good at what I do. I highly doubt an employee of 20 years is a marginal one. Unless you're talking about someone who holds a position which guarantees employment, like civil service, and the person cannot be fired unless there is an egregious offense, I don't think an employer would continue to employ a marginal employee.
Not wearing make up hardly qualifies as egregious in my book.
You're right. It is a good discussion, but, like all the others which take place in the Study, it has many facets and cannot be explained away handily.
Your profile doesn't say how old you are. I am in my 50s, and trying to find another job would be nigh onto impossible without going back to school and getting retrained. That's assuming I couldn't get another position doing what I do. Point is, I'd be viewed as too old to wait tables in Hooters if I was so inclined or it was necessary [despite my martial arts body.

Not wearing make up hardly qualifies as egregious in my book.
You're right. It is a good discussion, but, like all the others which take place in the Study, it has many facets and cannot be explained away handily.