Mr. Crawford, I wish you much success with your seminar(s). Allow a question or two, if I may. Do you plan on also giving a liberal dose of the mental side of the equation? Such as the willingness to allow a hostage taken (usually a flight attendant - female), to be sacrificed in order to get to the terrorist(s)? Also, the single mindedness to forget one's own safety and be willing to possibly die, in order to eliminate the threat and save others. To be inventive in using everyday items as weapons (i.e. a common comb used in a cutting fashion against the neck - carotid artery, keys protruding from a fist for an eye removal, a pen or pencil either in the eye into the brain or into the throat, etc.). Even people that train in the arts, are not that aware of what could/should be done, should they find themselves in this situation. I realize that people are now more willing to get involved, should something occur on a plane. We have had stories of people restraining some idiot on a flight, but none dealing with a successful terrorist disarm. Much different mindset when looking at a weapon against somebodies throat, and knowing that if you act, it will cause that persons death. The mental state of people, even trained ones, change when confronted with absolutes. Again, I wish you much success with your seminar(s).
Mike Dunn