Could you admit you're wrong?

Yup! Hope and beleif disappear quickly after a good punch in the face is received!
i'm fortunate at my school because we have three experienced instructors with pretty much the same same and time training. so we keep each other honest.

i used to hate "but sensei ________ teaches it this way....". now i find it a great opportunity to explore the technique more deeply.
shesulsa said:
What is this "W" word you speak of? I don't recognize it. :ultracool

Of course - we all are wrong at times. If we weren't we wouldn't be living.

"G", your first line I assume was for us male types. ;)

And the second line for the Women of this forum. :D

Seriously, I have admitted if I was wrong. I also do thing that are wrong to help the students learn.
Rich Parsons said:
"G", your first line I assume was for us male types. ;)

And the second line for the Women of this forum. :D

Wrong again! :lol2::wink1::boing1:
I can when I am. I was always raised that way and have kept to it. I also apologize too. (o.k., time to build the wall back up again!)
Hello, NOPE! and only if am ever wrong..which is never... oops something is wrong here...sorry..I apologize!

Ah! To be perfect......not for everyone...this works only for those who are right all the time.

They have not teach me " PERFECT" yet...still learning how..?

But it takes alot of effort not to be on the WRONG side....still learning to stay on the RIGHT side.....

To be grown up is to admit you are wrong when you are wrong. .....RIGHT? .........Aloha

PS: anyone giving the WRONG answer here will be sent to bed!
Yes I can admit when I am wrong, have made a mistake, or when something simply won't work in a situation. I think thats all part of being a good teacher.
lonecoyote said:
There are those of us who've asked questions of instructors only to be blown off, or had a game run on us (that wouldn't work because you'd be knocked out, if I didn't pull my punch, that doesn't work because you're making this mistake, that wouldn't work because you're out of alignment, I'd just flow into this technique, etc. there are others, you know what I mean) , usually it's not worth it to be rude and push the issue, but I have had a very few say something like "Against a trained grappler or someone with a weapon, you'd absolutely have a lot of trouble pulling this off, you're right" My jaw hit the floor because that doesn't happen often. Could you admit that your art, or your master, or the grandmaster of your art could be wrong about something, not everything, not enough to make you quit and do something else, but just wrong in some way.

IMO, it takes alot for people to admit that they may be wrong about something. We see it all the time, especially on a place like this. We can see pages and pages of people saying that 'their' way is 'the' way of doing something. Personally, I feel that its good to always keep an open mind, as there will always be a better way or someone better than you out there.

I have tought about this question for a long time and I would admit if I was wrong but just for the record, I have never ever been wrong.

And for those of you that really really know me, you know I have never ever been wrong for the simple fact that I only give opinions and we all know opinions can not be wrong only facts!!!!

Your overly opinion person and by the way this is just my opinion!!
Hello, Some people do take an "opinion" as carefull here. This is just my opinion on this.

Facts will show(history) that someone opinions has started wars....Aloha

Um' do we know one here? ...........Aloha
still learning said:
Hello, Some people do take an "opinion" as carefull here. This is just my opinion on this.

Facts will show(history) that someone opinions has started wars....Aloha

Um' do we know one here? ...........Aloha

I have no earthly ideal what you are talking about, just my opinion, I mean facts oh dammit I mean opinion.

PS by the way to answer the question I could always admit I was wrong just ask my wife, she still lets me sleep in our bed because I'm always wrong and can admit she is always right.
The unforgiving couch? Good point to remember! Humility is also a martial art quality! You have to lose sometimes, in order to win!