Could someone tell me of some Spanish/South american arts?



Hi I'm new here. I want to know what kind of Spanish/South American (not Brazil... I mean only Spanish-speaking countries) martial arts there are. I checked a few post in this forum, but I want someone to sum things up for me.

Actually, I want to do a research project on martial arts of Spanish speaking countries.
So anyone could give me suggestions as to what topic would be good, what my focus should be and that kind of stuff? For example, I would like something that has much information on the net/books.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edit: Oh and it doesn't necesarily have to be a empty-handed art. It could be a fencing or any type of stuff. I think people on this forum all know this already but just to make sure... thank you.
Some such arts are Capoeira (Brazil), Garrote Larense (Argentina), others. Use the Search facility to find more info.!

You might also ask Gaucho.