Cool New Student


MTS Alumni
Tonight, at my wife's TKD class, we got a new student who is on the staff at the gym we are now teaching out of.

She's 63 years young, is the ballroom dance instructor there, and has about 5 years of Tai Chi behind her when she lived near Boston. She specifically started the TKD to learn self defense. I just always get a kick our of people who take up or restart the Martial Arts at an age like that.

Great student! Have to love the people who will try something new and not pull out the "old" card as an excuse to sit back and fade away.
Like I always said, AGE is just a NUMBER....

ABSOLUTELY!!! My 82 year old student whips me around all the time during our private lessons.
Maybe you can trade TKD lessons for ballroom dance lessons, dancing keeps you young :)
You know, teachers, sifu, sensei...all from this forum should put the age of old students they have in classes. This is really a big "push" for certain people who have some certain fear in starting MA.
Tonight, at my wife's TKD class, we got a new student who is on the staff at the gym we are now teaching out of.

She's 63 years young, is the ballroom dance instructor there, and has about 5 years of Tai Chi behind her when she lived near Boston. She specifically started the TKD to learn self defense. I just always get a kick our of people who take up or restart the Martial Arts at an age like that.


That is very cool. :)
That's great. Down in Cape there is a fella who was Army Air Corps back in WWII. The doctors said "Do something to keep moving Charlie or you will be more crippled up."

So Charlie is now an orange belt in Tae Kwon Do in Mr. Hendrickson's class. He goes on Saturday class to so he can get 3 times of practice a week.

That is cool cool
Tonight, at my wife's TKD class, we got a new student who is on the staff at the gym we are now teaching out of.

She's 63 years young, is the ballroom dance instructor there, and has about 5 years of Tai Chi behind her when she lived near Boston. She specifically started the TKD to learn self defense. I just always get a kick our of people who take up or restart the Martial Arts at an age like that.



I hope she kicks your ***! :D
I love to hear stories like this! Drac's point about age being just a number is truer now than it ever was. Please keep us posted on her progress, Jeff.

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