Cool martial art video


i think i've seen that somewhere before...i'll have to look around
I think its a Chinese martial art, since one guy is using a 3 section staff. I can't narrow it down beyond that. Cool video though.
Nice video. I like the fluidity of their movements and the control that they have over their weapons.:jediduel:

Venomstrike said:
I found this cool martial art video on my hard drive today (forgot I had it). It seems to be a match of some sort; and they are using weapons. It's not too long but the martial artists are very fast.

Here is a link to the video:

What type of martial art is shown in the video?
That was a very cool video! Looks a lot like the Star Wars fight scenes!

I'm curious about they charge for the service?
@clfsean: Thanks for the info! Very interesting stuff.

@mj-hi-yah: Nope they sure don't, it's completely free. You can transfer files up to 1 GB for free (yes, that is indeed GB and NOT MB).