Speaking of that, i cant do that for the life of me. I have tried to do it so many times i just cant get my head around it. And its the first form in the SMR omote book i got. In hindsight should have gotten the AJKF Jodo handbook, might have served me better looking at the PDF of it. (it includes Kihon and how to hold the thing*)
Anyway, i just cant comprehend how to withdraw the staff from the first strike to the head. From memory i belive its a thrust, but i have a equal belief its a over the head strike. (would need to drudge up the manual and cant find a PDF of it in english) Fricition is just the issue as far as i recall. (granted its not with a jo)
*Apparntly no picturres so far, am skimming it at this moment, but at least it would give me a glossary of terms to go and look up videos on how to do it.
ZNKR (AJKF) Jodo will differ slightly from the shindo muso ryu original