Conversation on Staff Applications

Speaking of that, i cant do that for the life of me. I have tried to do it so many times i just cant get my head around it. And its the first form in the SMR omote book i got. In hindsight should have gotten the AJKF Jodo handbook, might have served me better looking at the PDF of it. (it includes Kihon and how to hold the thing*)

Anyway, i just cant comprehend how to withdraw the staff from the first strike to the head. From memory i belive its a thrust, but i have a equal belief its a over the head strike. (would need to drudge up the manual and cant find a PDF of it in english) Fricition is just the issue as far as i recall. (granted its not with a jo)

*Apparntly no picturres so far, am skimming it at this moment, but at least it would give me a glossary of terms to go and look up videos on how to do it.

ZNKR (AJKF) Jodo will differ slightly from the shindo muso ryu original

I'm not a shindo muso ryu guy - they use jo which should be short enough to feel the length during that transition. The sliding between hands is at the heart of their kihon though. I study the art SMR branched from; there is some similarity in our bojutsu. We have a 'warm-up' drill that allows a student to practice that transition. Then it's just practice. I have sweaty palms and occasionally struggle, but with practice it becomes pretty straightforward.

Perhaps these will help

If i recall, 6 of the 12 forms in Jodo come from SMR. (no idea of the validity of that) I will see if its a friction issue when i actually get a proper jo as opposed to something to stand in for it. I have basically used it as a spear too long to comfortable switch from just thrusting with it.

Jodo is just meant to be a suppliemntal system to Kendo, at least thats what the AJKF lists its reasons for including it as. (at least including it in their orginsation)
Another good day of staff training. Hot but good. I can slowly feel myself getting stronger. An hour and a half of in the sun hot staff training. It was a little more than my sone could take but baby steps are fine. 6 months of no training and no stretching is horrible. I hope it doesn't take long for my flexibility to comeback. Double training days starts tomorrow.

I'll be doing P90x warm up exercises in the morning and Kung Fu in the afternoon. I'll do this for 2 weeks so that my body can adjust to early morning and on the 3rd week I'll transition to the full P90x workout. Saturday and Sunday will be my rest days from Jow Ga kung fu, but I'll still stretch and do Tai Chi on the weekends.

I would be lying if I said I was excited about all of this. I'm not lol. The only thing I know is that this is just the Beginner's Hump. I know things will get better once I get past the idea of it and then just make it part my Everyday thing. If I can get up early everyday to go work for someone else. I should at least get up everyday and do this little bit. I'll document my travels on this one as I do not plan to go through this again (starting from the bottom) if I can help it.
If i recall, 6 of the 12 forms in Jodo come from SMR. (no idea of the validity of that) I will see if its a friction issue when i actually get a proper jo as opposed to something to stand in for it. I have basically used it as a spear too long to comfortable switch from just thrusting with it.

Jodo is just meant to be a suppliemntal system to Kendo, at least thats what the AJKF lists its reasons for including it as. (at least including it in their orginsation)

They're all lifted directly from the omote set of SMR. Yeah I guess if you're not using a jo you might struggle.

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