Constant reminder of your training?

I have a ring that my instructor gave me when I got my black belt in Korea. It means a lot just because of who gave it to me. I don't wear it too often since I don't NEED a constant reminder. But it still means a lot to me.

Plus, he told me its silver and I think its just some cheap metal. :)
As others have mentioned earlier, I just have to glance down and count the scars to remind me to get to the Dojo as often as possible. What's the old saying? "Sweat in the Dojo or bleed in the street".
The only reminder I carry are my memories like others have stated.

In the spirit of bushido!

I take that back. I do have a lump on my right wrist from when I tried to break 5 two-inch patio blocks and only went through 4. This was the day before our actual demo mind you, and I had just injured my breaking hand.
Tattoo of a dragon posed in one of our entries holding our logo.
Bought a tear to the eyes of my instructor when I showed him.
Got it when I graded to black.
I have a tattoo as well. It's big and visible and i was chastized for getting it.


I'm ahppy with it, and since its in Japanese, when people ask what it says I frequently respond "Free Tibet!"
I have a small belt buckle made by one of my students, inlaid with wood, of a figure doing a flying sidekick. It means a lot to me, since it's the first token of appreciation from one of my first students, but I have a hard time wearing it.

Most of my friends don't know I have a black belt, and those who do often forget. Very very few of them know that I teach. I just never liked the idea of advertising my knowledge in that area.

If it does come up, I usually use the opportunity to encourage others to try it, and to put in a plug for the school -- kind of a way to give back to my instructor.

I often wear a gun (concealed) these days, and it reminds me to always be aware and alert, and that anything could happen.
Hmmm... do all the many many T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. we've gotten over the years at various events count? I'm wearing the sweatshirt now.

The only external reminder I want from my training is one I already have: an ACL reconstruction scar on my right knee.

Mine's on the left knee. ;)
I'm lucky. I've been in Tae Kwon Do for almost 25 years and have never had any surgeries because of it. Knees and joints work just fine thank you, and I'll be 40 this year.
At first I didn't have anything really to remind me of my training, but once I began to take it seriously and study, it became a part of mind, body and spirit, and that's pretty much all I need.
I was looking through an MA magazine & noticed "black belt rings" for folks to wear (presumably after practice) & it got me wondering how many of you have some sort of constant reminder of your training &/or your art?

My key ring is a Century black belt. I originally got it & others for a group of folks I trained with years ago. We all carried them then. I don't know if the rest still do.

Other than bruises, aches & pain or a wallet with less money in it: do you carry any sort of reminder of your training or art? Body art? Ring? Keychain, etc?
My Keychain as well. I've never washed it either... eewww!
after my friend became a black belt she got a tat on her ankle that says red dragon karate black belt or something like that that represented her advancement to black belt. when i become a black belt im planning on getting a small tat as well.
after my friend became a black belt she got a tat on her ankle that says red dragon karate black belt or something like that that represented her advancement to black belt. when i become a black belt im planning on getting a small tat as well.

I'm planning on doing the same thing - a tat once i achieve my black belt.
It will be a permanent reminder of what i did that when i'm old and wrinkly i'll still know that i did something special!!
Still....tis a few years off for me yet - got plenty of training to do first!!
There are times that I want no external tell that I train in martial arts, the guy that was thinking of sticking a gun to your head and asking for your money might see it and decide to shoot me outright.

I do wear dojo and MA related T-shirts when I am going to familiar places or if their is a group of us together (Espirt de corp).

I do have a nice lapel pin I was giving by my old TKD instructor I wear on my wool overcoat, when I wear a suit. I got the pin at 15, the coat at 17 and put it on then. It's just a part of the coat now, looks nice.

Maybe the knives on my person remind me externally, but like others have said, it's inside.
I just received my Kukkiwon 5th Dan card signed by Mr. Uhm (very nice), and I wear lapel pins for Chung Do Kwan, Kukkiwon, and WTF on my suitjacket when I judge. Actually, my Instructor told me to pick one and wear it.