Constant Motion Sickness?


Orange Belt
Hey there guys.

I've started Jiu Jitsu as of last Sunday, and since I'm pretty passionate about martial arts (despite the fact that I've been to one session ever...), I've been practicing hard. I've been doing about 1/2-3/4 of an hour of breakfall practice per day in the garden, and I've been practicing other things such as Techniques, Endurance (Running), Strength (Gym) and Skipping (Coordination, etc). Basically, I'm trying as hard as I can to improve at Jiu Jitsu.

In my spare time, although it shames me to say so, it's nearly 100% screens. I am addicted to Anime at the moment (Though nowhere near to the same level as Martial Arts. Then again, you can watch anime nearly indefinately, whereas breakfalling on hard earth in the cold hurts the arms after a while...). I also recently noted that the volume in my headset is rather high, to the point that I can't really hear my own voice as I listen.

Here's the issue. I seem to be experiencing constant motion sickness whenever I move my head too quickly. If I nod my head, I start to feel a bit dizzy in the head. I have asked people, and I know it's not normal. I don't know if it's dizziness, I don't know if it's motion sickness, but whatever it is, it isn't normal. I can move my head slowly and experience none of this, which is what leads me towards the conclusion of motion sickness. As I'm sure you know, feeling dizzy whenever you move your head at all fast is a pretty big bummer in martial arts.

I have decided to take Saturday-Monday entirely off of screens, including just watching TV, to see if it makes a difference. I'll also go the doctors on Monday.

My question is. Do you think that my habits have caused this? Do you think that it is motion sickness? Why would my habits have caused it? How would I make it go away?

This will be one of two screen times during this weekend. I'll pop on again later to view the responses.

Thank you for any answers, any would really mean a lot.

I would suggest that instead of asking this on a forum that you just go and see what the doctor says, its their job after all.
Turn the volume down. You may want to hear your children's voices one day...

And get medical advice from medical pros. What your describing could be anything from a mild ear infection to serious neurological problems.

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That sounds like vertigo, which I think is usually caused by an inner ear problem. I had an inner ear infection maybe 8 or 10 years ago, and the dizziness/"motion sickness" got so bad (very suddenly) I spent an afternoon in the ER and a week in bed.

If this only started when you started jujitsu, you might be messing yourself up doing so much break falling. 30-45 minutes every day is a lot, especially for a novice, and since you've only had one class you might be doing it wrong and jostling your head around. Try giving it a rest for a while.

Either way, you should go to the doctor and get yourself checked out.
Hey Matt,
while i dont have an answer to your dizzyness, i do have a few thoughts on your training. i started training seriously at age 14 and i know what its like to have found somthing i really really liked. i have never met anyone who lived, breathed and trained with as much single mindedness as i did. so i can appreciate your dedication. this is just my opinion but i feel you really need to slow down. its hard to do when you like it so much but keep in mind you get good at martial arts through long term practice not short bursts. you cant sqeeze one month of practice into a day. over doing your training causes injury and brun out, then you need time off to recoup. so in the end you didnt get any better because you had to take time off to heal. think like a diet. if you want to lose weight you need to regulate your meals everyday without fail and it takes time. your not going to lose weight by eating 20 pounds of salad over a weekend.
now you mention that your running and going to the gym, this is good but this is only working your physical body. this is only one facet to martial arts. i would advise to think of your training as a bigger picture. slow down on the breakfalls and dont over work the muscles in the gym..then you need to incorporate training in other areas like diet and nutrition, READING!! i cant stress enough how important it is to read anything and everything you can get your hands on about martial arts and related topics. find out what other successful martial artists and athletes do and have done then copy them.
Ditto. My sibling had spells of 'nausua', the last one had her bed-ridden for months until it was diagnosed as vertigo. It was due to severe dehydration and the inner ear was affected. Here is a good article:

Ear Symptoms of Dehydration During Ironman | LIVESTRONG.COM

That sounds like vertigo, which I think is usually caused by an inner ear problem. I had an inner ear infection maybe 8 or 10 years ago, and the dizziness/"motion sickness" got so bad (very suddenly) I spent an afternoon in the ER and a week in bed.

If this only started when you started jujitsu, you might be messing yourself up doing so much break falling. 30-45 minutes every day is a lot, especially for a novice, and since you've only had one class you might be doing it wrong and jostling your head around. Try giving it a rest for a while.

Either way, you should go to the doctor and get yourself checked out.

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