Empty Hands
Senior Master
So this would be like me thinking I know everything about Kajukenbo since I am a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate... similar, but not the same.
Do you know what a neuroscientist is? My Master's work was in a lab that studied the serotonergic system and depression. While my primary focus in my postdoctoral work is on developing drugs for addiction and recovery, they also have potential applications in depression, and I keep a hand in the literature.
So yes, you are talking to a professional. Your gambit failed.
Oh so sorry that you dont think I understand medical terms, my moms a doctor, my sister is working on her doctorate at USC, Im surrounded by doctors in one field or another in my family, so your little digs do nothing more then show your pompous attitude
So what is the role of the dorsal raphe serotonergic system in depression? If you actually knew, then you probably wouldn't claim that depression doesn't exist - nor would you admit to knowing nothing about depression. What they do is show you that your claims to the contrary, I know a lot more about depression than you do. A wise man listens to those more educated on a topic than they are, not insist that their learning makes them "pompous" - much less incorrect.
See if I were to do something like that you and your friends would be screaming I was a bully, or using bully tactics.. its pathetic.
No, what's bullying and pathetic is calling people with depression or other mental illnesses "weak".
Look, you admit you know nothing, and you are talking with people that have both experience with the disease AND are scientific professionals studying it. Your position is completely ignorant and untenable. Admit that, apologize for your ignorant insults, and move on. Your increasing flailing is just making you look worse.