Congressman Ron Paul - Presidential Candidate

The creation of a Public Sector is an attempt to balance the expenses imposed on the wide citizenry by its existance, against unrestrained capitalism.

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Perhaps the creation of the "public sector" has always been a tool to control the masses? Perhaps, the "public sector" is nothing but another creation of the elite whose ultimate purpose is to recreate mass surfdom...a nation of employees.
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Perhaps the creation of the "public sector" has always been a tool to control the masses? Perhaps, the "public sector" is nothing but another creation of the elite whose ultimate purpose is to recreate mass surfdom...a nation of employees.

There are always unintended consequences. And certainly, a public sector can have the effect of controlling the masses. But, there are things that individuals can't do on their own. It is those items that the public sector is designed to address. Constant vigilance is required to ensure the public sector does not overstep its bounds.
Constant vigilance is required to ensure the public sector does not overstep its bounds.

Michael - all the vigilance in the world isn't stopping the "public sector" from over stepping its bounds right now. The military industrial complex is destroying this country, bankrupting it, in order to enrich the elite.

My instincts are telling me that we are getting to a financial tipping point and that, unless we do something drastic, we are all going to go down with the ship.

Maybe in the future, we can talk about the proper role of the public sector. That time is NOT now. Right now, I feel that we need to dismantle this beast so that the people have a chance to control it again.

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