
Speaking from experience, I definitely agree with this.

Try this simple little workout: repetitive sets consisting of three exercises - ten squats (body weight only), five or six pushups, and five crunches. If you can work your way up to thirty minutes of this at a good pace, you will be surprised at the energy you will burn.

You can substitute other bodyweight exercises for the pushups (pullups, dips, etc.).

You can do this anywhere - all you need is a few square feet of floor space.

Trust me, it's a lot more demanding than it sounds.

Thanks! :)

Funny you should mention the sets of exercises. As a warmup, one of my old instructors used to have us do a combo of 3 things. We'd start with 2 jumping jacks, drop down and do 2 pushups, stand up, drop back down and 2 situps, stand back up and repeat. Sounds simple and easy but once you get going, it kicks your butt. Good times though!!:ultracool

Took me time to read whole thread (and it seems I was part of discussion?)

2 new links for ChuongNhuka

I would agree that you need to do as homework your GPP (general physical preparedness) and do together team skills.

Don't forget to create benchmarks. Test your benchmarks every 3 weeks and use 4th week as recovery week (still train just instead of 100% intensity scale to 70%, if you weren't at 100% in your workout week you don't need recovery week). Your team also needs to setup benchmarks, that everybody need to have, if they are not up to requirements than they need to work up to it.

Your GPP training is 20minutes to 1hour, what you do in your specific activity/sport helps, but it is not part of your GPP.

Activities to increase upper body strength:
Pushups - aside from regular, lets do variations on weight distribution, one leg in air, raised legs, one arm, one arm-one leg, handstand;
position of hands, elbows move parallel to body, hands bellow chest, bellow face, wider than shoulders, above head, knuckle pushup;
plyometrics, pushup jump, clap pushup, tripple clap pushup, whole body jump, power overs;
hindu pushups, dive bomber pushup, pike press
Equipment, blocks (power over, raised legs or 3 blocks for legs and arms, this is deeper pushup), resistance bands (good for speed training), T cross good for wrist strength, weighted vest (or backpack)

Pullups, chinups; alternating grip, narrow grip, wider grip, on thick bar (like soccer goalie post), one arm, hanging on towels (or ropes), claping pullups/chinups

This is just a sample, you will find more on Net.

Endurance interval training, 100pushups/500squats, 100burpees, hill sprints, rope jumping, tabatha intervals.

To improve running, think again intervals. Lets say you have 2 mile run but competition speed is 11-12 minutes. So try first 1/8 mile run but at competition speed (1:23 - 1:30)x 8 sets, next time try 1/6 x 6sets, 1/4mile x4, 1mile (5:30-6:00) x2.

Would concentrate more on endurance than on strength. So alternate type of training focus like strength-endurance-power-endurance, same thing with type of running like distance-distance-sprints.

You can also chain exercises in sets like pushup-crunch-squat-chinup-superman-lunge (rest), whole idea is just to keep speed. And for warmup 2-3 minute max.

Exercise plan is good for 3-4 weeks before you need to change it. Change, rest time, number of repetition, type of exercise, resistance.
Thanks Tahuti. I was hopeing you hadn't just blwon me off, lol. Sorry to drag you into the conversation, though.
It is still quite generic answer, kinda hard to guess what you need list of non-equipment exercises (maybe some "gardening" equipment), personal plan, team plan.

I would ask when you recruit somebody in team what do you do to test them?
It is still quite generic answer, kinda hard to guess what you need list of non-equipment exercises (maybe some "gardening" equipment), personal plan, team plan.

I would ask when you recruit somebody in team what do you do to test them?

Well, generic or not, I appreciate your posting. This is mostly for the team, by the way. And, what do you mean by "gardening" equipment?

Well, that the part that ticks me off. The way training schedules were set up, there tended to be three or four people showing up to practice during the week. The reason is the drill teams have a rule which basicly says, if you don't show up constantly, you're not on the team. Raider isn't allowed to have the same kind of rule, because we win less trophies, because we cann't get any to show up. So, we cann't do any thing in the line of a pre-test. But, the training schedule is getting fixed, mostly becuase I've been rising a stink about schedule.

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