As a refresher, the color codes of awareness are...
Condition WHITE: You are totally unprepared, not aware of your surroundings. If caught in condition WHITE, you will likely be overwhelmed before being able to counter-attack. The only time that an armed person should be in Condition WHITE is when they are asleep.
Condition YELLOW: Youre in a state of relaxed awareness, aware of surroundings, but not concentrating on any specific threat. Any armed person should live in Condition YELLOW.
Condition ORANGE: Youre attention is concentrated on a potential threat, based upon instincts and observation- think tactics.
Condition RED: Youre aware of danger, prepared to respond or take evasive action immediately. Here you have a tendency to revert to conditioned response (read: TRAINING)
Some modern tacticians have added Condition BLACK: here you are in a state of panic and unable to act in a rational manner typically entered into by people not properly trained where the training environment was so unlike actual conditions that panic takes over.
Now, what do you all believe living in Yellow means? Paranoia? Just plain old "being alert"? or something else?
And do you think you do live in it?
Condition WHITE: You are totally unprepared, not aware of your surroundings. If caught in condition WHITE, you will likely be overwhelmed before being able to counter-attack. The only time that an armed person should be in Condition WHITE is when they are asleep.
Condition YELLOW: Youre in a state of relaxed awareness, aware of surroundings, but not concentrating on any specific threat. Any armed person should live in Condition YELLOW.
Condition ORANGE: Youre attention is concentrated on a potential threat, based upon instincts and observation- think tactics.
Condition RED: Youre aware of danger, prepared to respond or take evasive action immediately. Here you have a tendency to revert to conditioned response (read: TRAINING)
Some modern tacticians have added Condition BLACK: here you are in a state of panic and unable to act in a rational manner typically entered into by people not properly trained where the training environment was so unlike actual conditions that panic takes over.
Now, what do you all believe living in Yellow means? Paranoia? Just plain old "being alert"? or something else?
And do you think you do live in it?