Ok... Just How Honest ARE You? Man Finds Small Fortune And Returns It.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Ok, as hard up for money as I am at the moment... man... I dunno. Part of me would be screaming to return the money and the other part of me would be screaming (louder) to keep it!!!
Thinking about it for a bit I'd guess I'd give it to the rightful owners and modestly hope there be some reward. If I were working I'd not expect or even accept a reward.
By CHI-CHI ZHANG, Associated Press – Thu May 19, 8:50 pm ET
SALT LAKE CITY – When Josh Ferrin closed on his family's first home, he never thought he'd make the discovery of a lifetime — then give it back.
Ferrin picked up the keys earlier this week and decided to check out the house in the Salt Lake City suburb of Bountiful. He was excited to finally have a place his family could call their own.
As he walked into the garage, a piece of cloth that clung to an attic door caught his eye. He opened the hatch and climbed up the ladder, then pulled out a metal box that looked like a World War II ammunition case.
"I freaked out, locked it my car, and called my wife to tell her she wouldn't believe what I had found," said Ferrin, who works as an artist for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.
Then he found seven more boxes, all stuffed full with tightly wound rolls of cash bundled together with twine — more than $40,000.


Take a long hard honest private moment with yourself and ask yourself the same question.
To be honest {yeah, morality based pun attack! :D} I'd find it easier to make the decision (and effort) to return $40000 than if I found $5 behind the fridge in a house I'd just bought.
I know I'd be tempted, but I think my conscience would get the better of me and I'd return it.
I've been in a similar situation. Trauma patient in our ER. After the initial stablization and such was done, and he was off to CT, I picked up his pants off the floor (they get cut off, and the registration folks understandably do not like to handle the bloody things) to look for ID. I pulled out a wad of cash at least an inch thick. I called an officer into the room and gave it to them. It never occured to me to do anything else.

Being a born smartass, I later told the officer "Hey, silly me... that was my lunch money. Can I have it back?"

He told me I could claim the cash if I also claimed the cocaine it was wrapped around.
In a world where it seems at times that so few people truly consider others, this:

"I could imagine him in his workshop. From time to time, he would carefully bundle up $100 with twine, climb up into his attic and put it into a box to save. And he didn't do that for me,"

is beyond awesome. :asian:

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