He does look a bit more like REH's discription of Conan but we will see..
I am getting tired or reamke this, remake that. Many times it is good but alot of times it seems lazy to me. There are so monay good books and stories that should be made into films, especially now that CGI can bring these things to life better than the 80s FX tecnology could.
I for one thing we need a Hannabal vs Scipio movie.
You have two great men who were raised from birth to basically fight each other.
In Scipio you have a man who lost his father and uncle to the Carthaginians, you have a surviver of the battle of Cannae (Immagine that with CGI if they do as the sources describe it) and the man who kept the surviving officer corp from running away from the war after Cannae.
You have a man who was never defeated in a battle he was the commander of a Bilegerent in.
You have the man who beat Hannibal at Zama but was gracious in victory towards Carthagage and was hurt at home for it.
Let's see Mark Strong as Sipio Africanus and the guy who played the Captian of Kir's fathers ship would make a good Hannibal.
You'd have to end it with the story how years later hannibal and Scipio met and had a disscussion abourt whp the greatest general in History was. Hannibal said Alexander was the best and he was the second best.
Scipo said " But I defeated you."
And Hannibal said "Yes, that is why I am not number 1."
We need a true story like that before we need another Conan.