To everyone and no one…..
Xues post has made me think about the replies to my threads and the replies to others threads.
I just want to say first, that what I say is based on the feeling I have in my heart. Not based on any science or any “logic” so to speak. I know in my heart and in my “gut” that there is more to martial arts then just the building of the body.
I look out into this world and see something more awful then the years past. True we have been fighting against each other since the start of time, but not in the same way. 30 years ago race was the biggest issue we had to deal with. Well race in this day and age is a very small issue compared to what we are dealing with now. I mean now you can’t even like a different color or something simple like that without worrying who’s going to call you a name or want to kill you.
When did this world crave death do much? We have gone from being people of imagination and wondering what else is out there to being cold hard cynics.
I don’t see many people these days that play like children and enjoy life. What happened to simple courtesies? Instead people see being rude to others and saying well if you don’t like it shove it up your butt as a sign of strength. What the heck you know. T
his is not right, should never have been right and it needs to stop.
Of course what has this to do with martial arts. Well martial arts has always been a very big thing in cultures. Even in the ancient villages, and some current ones, “martial arts” is something learned by children once they can walk. They are taught what we call “martial arts” and also to sit and look at the flowers and see beauty in life.
Well I feel that if we as martial artist change our hearts and our minds to that of what the great masters are trying to tell us, then we will have a domino effect on our culture and society.
Children look up to us. They see us as heroes. But are we really teaching them good things? Are we teaching them to curb their ego and be humble and not crave violence or are we doing the opposite with concentrating on other things?
I see and have experienced many martial artists saying how much they revere both the dead and alive grandmasters of the art. But I don’t see them putting to action the grandmasters words of wisdom. I say actions speak louder then words.
The martial arts code is being forgotten. The martial arts community is becoming more “Hollywood” by the day.The masters have said. Competition is NOT number one. Politics is NOT number one.
To concentrate on family. To connect with Mother Earth or “energy” if you will. I see more medals on teacher’s walls these days then stories of honor. Because according to the great masters of old…medals are not always honor.
I know that a lot of you will disagree with me and that’s fine. I may be crossing the line, but honestly I don’t care. It needs to be said. I’m not trying to change the way you think or the way you feel. Everyone has their own right to that.
I hope that you all understand where I’m coming from and respect my right to feel, say and think what I need too.
All it takes is one person. One person to start a domino effect for good.
I don’t want to save the world. I’m just a child of this world, in pain, that wants to make it better.And believe me, if you have seen and experienced the things I have you would want to too. If not for others, then for your children and for yourself. Even if that means swallowing your pride and stepping up to do the “unpopular” thing.
Look outside the realm of possibility, because only then will you see what is truly possible. Whatever our minds and hearts can imagine is what can happen.The world needs change.
We may not be able to change everything or everyone…but, we can at least help.The time for having our eyes shut is over.
Martial arts should not be about politics, rank, or competing. It should be about connecting with the earth, being honorable, being respectable, and preserving life.Preserving life should be the ultimate goal for every martial artist. Not to seek out glory or medals or anything like that. And we should be thankful we don’t have to fight. We should be sitting in our chairs with our children thanking whatever god we worship that we don’t have to fight. Not, going and seeking it out through competition just to make ourselves feel better. How childish. Its time to grow up…
Sparring amongst each other is one thing, but for medals is wrong. For honor among your peers all it takes is just an unsaid knowing between comrades. That’s all. That’s how they did it in the past. Even today there is still an unsaid knowing between comrades that says “there the ones”. I don’t need to tell my son I’m in charge. He knows. I’ve never told him, but he knows. Its unsaid and understood. A mutual respect. That’s the way it should be between martial artists. To have to show a medal is…childish. It’s like saying. “Look mommy what I got”.
Its time for change. If you don’t believe what I say, then read the poems, journals and books of the masters. Believe them. Do what they say if indeed you revere them.
I’m nothing but a child of this world trying to do the best I can. I may not be popular, I may not be liked, but I feel in my heart I am doing the right thing. And that’s all the counts for me.
Respects to you all