

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
do japanese martial arts have style specific tournaments? or just open ones?

also, how do you feel about competition? valuable? waste of time? what do you think?
I think it very much depends on the nature of the competition. If you're talking about an art that teaches self defence going in for a light/no contact sparring event, then it's probably not doing the students any favours, as the rules are not favourable to those who try to do actual techniques there (since power isn't necessary), and instead those with whipping punches that would barely brush an insect off at full power get points....

If the competition is geared towards the art, then it's worthwhile, as it serves as a testing ground, where techniques can be pressure tested. For example, the style of jujutsu I train in has an annual national competition, where you have an opportunity to compete for the best freestyle self defence. There are 2 parts to the competition; the high pressure bit, and the lower pressure bit. The high pressure bit has people coming at you fast, some with weapons. The idea of that particular event is to show what works fast and effectively. The lower pressure bit has one opponent coming in , with no more until you've dealt with him. That's the time to show off technique and demonstrate what you can do.

I believe that this form of competition serves the style much better than a sparring match, as all techniques remain open to every competetor while remaining as safe as our training gets :)
i have seen both open and closed tournaments. depending on the school the instructor will do different things. some senseis are more open to tournaments while others are not.

i think they are good learning experiences for all regardless of style.