Comics 2 Film

Defenitely Green Lantern.
It was in preproduction with Jack Black in the lead, but us fanboys raised so much sand they removed him from the project.
I would like to see it starring the John Stewart Green Lantern and played by Taye Diggs.

Screw John Stewart! There I said it, I cna't stand him as GL, everybody's got a hard on for him because he is the JL from the cartoon, so what. Alan Scott was there first, Hal Jordan is the greatest ((and still GL), Guy Gardner, Kyle Ryner. For earth's GLs Stewart is the least interesting, and least creative of them all. In fact, when they even started the cartoon Kyle was GL in the comics, Stewart was a Darkstar at the time (not in any way related to GL), it's like they went out of their way to put him in there.
I met the guy who made Alan Scott many years ago. He signed several of my comics. Kyle Rainer will always be my favorite GL. He was the one who carried the torch for ten years while all GL's dissapeared or died at the hands of Parallex (Jordan).

How many even remember Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonderbra Woman? Hawk and Aquaman? Would they have the appeal? Probably... if updated and hyped enough to attract the "targeted audience... kids.
All of them are still around, with their own comics (I assume by "Hawk" you mean Hawkman and not Hawk of "Hawk and Dove").

As for "updated" heroes, there's "All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder". It's a self-contained series (nothing which happens in it affects the "mainstream" Bat titles) which portrays the Dark Knight as a demented psychopath who refers to Dick Grayson as "snot" and "retard". Drives a Batmobile which turns into a jet and a submarine. Boinks Black Canary (an Irish barmaid turned vigilante). Thinks Hal Jordan is a moron.

If this is "updated", leave me out. Frank Miller and Jim Lee or not.

Movies? I'd like to see a Dr. Strange movie (the TV movie reeked). Timothy Dalton could probably play him. I'd also like to see them adapt the "Elektra: The Hand" miniseries as a movie. The Legion of Super-Heroes would be great. Plenty of work for young actors. Thanks to CGI, Green Lantern's a natural. Maybe John Sena could play Hal Jordan. Has the "down home - aw shucks" quality I've always associated with the cowboy test pilot.
Just a few thoughts.
I'd like to see a Thor movie and a Capt America movie...Although I have no clue who I'd cast for either of them. Obviously, Thor would have to be HUGE and Norwegian looking.

Do you remember when Thor made a brief appearence on one of the Hulk( Bixby & Ferrigno) made for TV movies??? Anything would be an improvement...That being said I also have no idea who to cast..I would still like to see a well made version of Captain Marvel...
The Justice League movie was shelved, yet again, a few weeks ago. They even had most of the casting done for Batman, Superman, Flash, and others. They were mostly British actors.
I am the biggest DC fan alive, but DC does not have their act together making movies. Marvel is pumping out tons of Marvel movies and most of them are good, but DC is sitting on its haunches stagnating.
BTW, my son is named Clark, after Superman. I have mentioned that lots of times here at MT and love telling people that.

Now that effects, CGI and otherwise have advanced to the point that they have, do you all think that has affected how good/bad the transition from comic (or book) to movie works out? I mean, twenty years ago, Jackson couldn't have made the LOTR trilogy, Ents, etc would have been either cut out or drastically changed...